Bluelupin Technologies: Delivering Secure and Scalable Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Bluelupin Technologies: Delivering Secure and Scalable Enterprise Mobility Solutions

CIO Vendor Enterprises have increasingly begun adopting mobile technologies in order to have the latest information requested at their disposal. Business decisions will be more driven by data and predictive analysis and this data assimilation will be predominantly dependant on mobile solutions and IoT in the future. Nevertheless, there are challenges that plague organizations, making businesses skeptical in adopting enterprise mobility solutions and even if implemented, personnel are inadequately equipped to operate due to lack of training. Securing critical information, integrating mobile applications with enterprise applications and training users have been listed as some of the top most drawbacks that hinder the adoption of enterprise mobility services. Having a deep understanding of mobile and modern web related technologies, Bluelupin Technologies hailing from Noida, Uttar Pradesh, offers their MobileKonnect platform that puts to end all apprehensions amidst enterprises in implementing mobile solutions.

Bluelupin with their diligent workforce is a software development company that specializes in mobile application and enterprise cloud based web development with a strong focus on user interface design. The company proffers SaaS (Software as a service). Apart from the MobileKonnect platform, the company facilitates enterprises with PushKonnect, Helpdesk System, Millpond Managed Hosting solutions and SAP Application Management services.

MobileKonnect offers a platform to manage the complete life cycle of iOS and Android apps. It is proclaimed that the strength of the platform lies in its simplicity to create complex content and workflow easily. This unique feature enables business teams without much technical knowledge to produce and manage smart apps to streamline
the workflows. The platform provides a gamut of features like Staff and Product Listing, Secured messaging and group chat, Integrated Help desk system, External API integration, Plug in to load almost any kind of micro application and Multi-layered, role-based security on content. Furthermore, the platform has been engineered on top of Microsoft Azure to deliver enterprise grade security and scalability. "Application security and scalability are the two main areas where we excel," reveals Ashish Srivastava, CEO, Bluelupin Technologies.

The strength of MobileKonnect platform lies in its simplicity to create complex content and workflow easily

Having close integration with MobileKonnect, PushKonnect is a notification and analytics platform that provides a very flexible, secure and scalable notification API with strong analytic data. Ashish adds, "The MobileKonnect platform needed a special platform which can provide support for its complex push notification and analytic requirements, resulting in the PushKonnect platform." Push notification is believed to be a very critical aspect of mobile strategy and provides a very reliable but easy to use service to integrate push notifications. Similarly, the platform is made on the top of AWS for scalability.

Carving out a niche for themselves in this domain, Bluelupin Technologies intends to expand the horizon of Mobile Konnect by adding more features and automation to provide a reliable mobile platform for large scale enterprises and SMBs alike. Additionally, the company is looking forward to providing solutions in the education domain and have recently started working on systems that will connect teachers and students from thousands of schools across India. Furthermore, the company aims at offering blockchain and predictive analysis based solutions in the near future.