Dimensions Cybertech: Enabling Better Control and Decision Making for NBFCs

Suresh M.S, Chief Executive Officer

Increasing automation of business processes and communication in the financial segment has compelled financial institutions to relook at their existing work processes and operating models to zero in on the areas of improvement in order to achieve better process control and enhance operational efficiency. In this regard NBFCs, NIDHIs and International money transfer companies find it challenging to meet the competitive operational requirements of the industry,as their control and approval procedures for daily business operations are not in place. They find themselves struggling in this regard due to their isolated and legacy driven workflow which limits their purview in day to day operations concerning system, staff and funds. These limitations affectthe decision making capabilities of the management, delaying the workflow and increasing the turnaround time. It thus slows down their efficiency and growth.

To remain in the competition and gain an edge in the Fintech segment, NBFCs, NIDHIs and International money transfer companies have to be in better control, and streamline their work processes. Perfectly understanding these needs, Dimensions Cybertech aims at implementing tight integration of workflow through its web based software solution, salvaging these companies by streamlining their processes and enabling them with total control on their system, staff and funds. The company has an expansive portfolio of products for Money Transfer, HR &Payroll, NBFC ERP, Healthcare, Construction, Building and Accounting.

Decision makers can get access to complete information at every point of
their financial operations and different workflows across hierarchies, infusing better decision making capabilities at the management level. Further aiding the managerial decision making, the system facilitates scheduling of regular reports needed every day in the MIS. All the required reports on key operations like statutory filing, compliance to rating agencies, and profit from branches to HO at end of the year are available at a click of a button. Eliminating any manual intervention or error,the reports are automated by the system on daily, weekly and monthly basis on the designated mail or FTP.

"To the companies for whom we are offering our services, we sit with the management for review of the products and process. And we act as their IT team for all practical purposes"

Providing Business Specific and Customizable Solution
Helping NBFCs with their lending processes, the system informs them on the suitable schemes for their particular branches, market, and region. Further, through the marketing module with the help of rules engine in the background, the system helps with qualifying and rejecting the customer's application. Talking about the value addition to the business through the system, CEO, Suresh M.S says, "The turnaround time or TAT is very low in lending if they are using our system."

Dimensions Cybertech provides support to its clients through continuous interaction with them on any issue related to the system. The company understands the exact needs and rules of client's business and provides the needed customization and modification before implementing the system. Adding more on the client's support, Suresh says,"To the companies for whom we are offering our services, we sit with the management for review of the products and process. And we act as their IT team for all practical purposes."

For its future endeavors,the company wants to bring more benefits to the clients by incorporating state of the art technologies in its solution. "To bring more value to the businesses we are planning to embrace technologies like Blockchain, SSL, IoT, RFID, Biometric Authentication and mobile platform," says Suresh before signing off.