Alivecor Personal Electrocardiogram Enters India

CIOReviewIndia Team | Saturday, 26 September 2020, 09:12 IST

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alivecorThe global leader in the United States FDA, AliveCor launches personal electrocardiogram (ECG) technology, and announces its entry in the Indian market today. It launches the highly personalized ECOG device, KardiaMobile. With visible changes in quality healthcare in India and COVID-induced fears, this portable and technology steered device will deliver affordable and convenient heart care to 260+ million heart patients in the world who are at risk and need not go to a hospital.

Being the only personal ECG device in the world, KardiaMobile 6L can detect the three heart problems which are common – arrhythmias or irregular heartbeat – atrial fibrillation (AFib), bradycardia, and tachycardia. These require regular monitoring for a person’s healthy lifestyle. The device by AliveCor allows patients to record a medical-grade ECG within 30 seconds, without any visit to a hospital. The device, small in size, can be carried in pockets, which makes it easy for users to check their heart anytime, anywhere through their smartphone.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is regarded as the leading cause of death in the world. According to The Lancet report, an estimated 54.5 million people are affected by CVD in India, leading to one in four deaths. Reports also suggest that arrhythmias, like AFib, affect an estimated 10 million people in India and are leading indicators of heart disease and stroke.

In a time when there is fear of getting infected due to the outburst of coronavirus, this is welcoming news for the heart patients needing care.

“With hundreds of millions at risk for heart disease across the globe, accessible heart care has never been more important. AliveCor’s expansion into India is pivotal to our mission of providing remote, medical-grade heart care to those who need it most. We are committed to innovating digital health services in India by offering patients the ability to take control of their own heart health from the comfort of home,” said Priya Abani, Chief Executive Officer, AliveCor mentioned.

This is already the era of digital health where mobile healthcare is expanding and KardiaMobile 6L brings joy to the Indian healthcare market by solving emergency ECG checks. AliveCor’s Kardia device has recorded 80 + million ECGs till now for 1 million users in 37 countries. Detection of arrhythmias in the early stage is difficult which is now be solved by KardiaMobile 6L.