'What is the key to get to the heart of the healthcare sector and how to correctly implement IT products in the space?'
This is a common conundrum faced by all independent software vendors (ISV) at some point or the other. While others are still racking their brains for an answer, the founders of AFourTech, Mahesh Kulkarni and Subodh Parulekar, are already ruling over the space. The usage of the cutting-edge technology at AFourTech to deliver targeted, smart and easy-to-operate solutions has helped them not only to win the trust of numerous clientsin a very short span, but also to bag the Sarathi-IT Award in 2012.
AFourTech, a 2007 established company based in Washington (U.S.) and Pune (India), focuses exclusively on Testing. This, coupled with their insight of the niche areas of the healthcare vertical, has aided them to build several accelerators and test frameworks for EMR (Electronic Medical Record), HIE (Healthcare Information Exchange) and other medical devices. Their service offerings are of varied range such as EMR testing, Test Automation, Usability and A/B testing, HL7 compliance testing, Compatibility testing and many more. Additionally, they provide Volume Testing which - with many other utilities - is used to generate patients' demographic and clinical information. Some of the solutions offered are automated test executions of IHE profiles like PIX, PDQ, ATNA, along with MESA tools."Several players lack either testing focus or healthcare expertise. It's the unique combination of the two that makes us stand out," says Subodh, Co-Founder & CEO, AFourTech.
Along with their deep expertise in testing and healthcare solutions, AFourTech masters in the know-how of three revolutionary phenomenons, i.e., cloud computing, mobility solutions and internet of things (IoT).
Where Technology Convenes with Healthcare
While these are even unheard of by many, they have already migrated several optimized solutions to the cloud platform to offer cloud-based healthcare products such as cloud-based EMR for the ease of access for far-off customers and developed many solutions targeting IoT. This has resulted in better offering and a well-placed web of services in the market to help the associated ISVs operating in U.S. and Europe so as to provide quality healthcare IT services with adequate performance, security and data privacy. But this would not have been possible without a strong team of enthusiasts.
AFourTech had their own share of problems while hiring since they seek laterals with the right combination of technology, healthcare domain and testing experience. But with their training and talent transformation program, they create skilled professionals who, in turn, help to transform the entire outlook of the company. With AFourTech soon to hit the 100 mark, they are planning to endeavor in the analytics space in the subsequent times. The company will try their hands at developing unique frameworks targeting the intersection between Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) and other verticals such as healthcare, education and e-Commerce.