Indian healthcare market is poised to grown exponentially in the coming years. But irrespective of its giant population, India is still lagging in investment in this industry. There is an inherent challenge of availability, accessibility and affordability of a proper integrated system in healthcare. Due to this, healthcare industry faces multiple challenges in terms of compliance measures, low costs, protecting patient privacy, and health IT modernization. According to Medstar Washington Hospital Center research report, 60 percent of clinician's time is spent searching for patient information while only about 16 percent of the time is available for direct patient interaction. To encounter this grave problem, the Indian healthcare solution providers need to embrace new age technologies like cloud, mobility and Big Data to create sustainable competitive advantage in the market place.
ALTEN Calsoft Labs is one such established healthcare technology solution provider, since 1992. The company is pacing with emerging technologies in healthcare to deliver quality solution for patient care and bridge the existing gap in the healthcare system. With more than two decades of experiences in healthcare sector, Calsoft Labs empowers healthcare players - Providers, Payers, Technology Vendors and Life Sciences to move their applications and services onto the cloud. "We work with many healthcare technology companies in U.S., and help them to realize their product vision. Our offerings has helped the global players to solve healthcare related challenges with the help of technology and would apply this wealth of knowledge and technical expertise to solve the problems that Indian healthcare companies are facing today," explicates Ramandeep Singh, CEO, ALTEN Calsoft Labs.
Calsoft Labs is an avant-garde in delivering patient centric, integrated and security compliant health IT solutions. The company is one of the pioneers in realizing the emerging importance of cloud computing in healthcare which will completely integrate the health delivery system and bring a paradigm shift in terms of significant economic benefits along with affordable care.
Calsoft Labs developed a proprietary framework- 'Connected Healthcare', which is a single platform for health system that leverages disrupting technologies like cloud, mobility and Big Data.
This cloud based integrated system has become a common platformfor patients, physicians and insurance companies to collaborate. The framework had made healthcare accessible, reliable, and affordable.
Revolutionizing Healthcare with its Solution
Homehealth and remote monitoring in case of emergency was a dream few years back, but now a reality with the framework like Mobile Nursing Medication chart on tablets and smart phones for providing more timely care with accuracy. It also provides cloud enabled Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) compliant solutions and clinical health for protecting Patient Health Information (PHI).
Calsoft Labshas revolutionized the care continuum such as Electronic Hospital/Medical Record (EHR/EMR), Laboratory Information Management, Pharmacy Automation, Radiology Information systems, end to end hospital information systems to name a few.The expiry of patents has brought a huge challenge for Life Sciences industry. But with new age business solutions consulting, Calsoft Labs helps bio-tech labs in developing state-of-the art Laboratory Information and Management Systems (LIMS) to aid them in the research. The company hasa clear strategic roadmap to respond to an ever changing healthcare system by streamlining business processes, while enhancing profitability and patient's satisfaction.
The company is planning to make required investments in solution building, technology expertise development, and in adoption of new technologies to sustain current growth and achieve newer targets in near future. Calsoft Labs, with its enriched experience, had gained a firm foothold in healthcare industry and is expecting to grow aggressively in the coming years by leveraging its full potential.