Finding the right doctor, the rush to get an appointment and then the long wait for one’s turn to get the doctor’s consultation as per the doctor’s schedule, topped by the delay in receiving prescription post consultation- this is a common scenario today to which every person who has ever paid a visit to a doctor in India will relate to all too well. A deeper examination of the healthcare industry here reveals that 80 percent of the diseases are communicable, a majority of which does not require the use of sophisticated medical equipments and can be diagnosed by carefully analyzing the various symptoms and treated through the intake of medicines. Hence, all that the market requires to break away from the exhaustive and time-consuming task of visiting a doctor is a bridge, specifically a platform where a patient and doctor can connect, communicate face-to-face and store medical records digitally.
Any Time Doctor (ATD), a platform for instant consultation with the right doctor has been developed in close alignment with the aforementioned market requirements. A bridge between patients and doctors, ATD is a highly affordable solution which based on the symptoms displayed, instantly connects patients with the right specialist doctor. In fact, depending on the sensitivity of the symptom, patients can choose the doctor of a particular gender and even a doctor who is familiar or fluent in the language preferred by the patient.
Apart from the elimination of long waiting periods, the platform allows patients to clarify doubts regarding medicines while viewing the prescription live.
The medical prescription is immediately saved in the patient’s health records, freeing patients from the cumbersome task of managing hardcopies of prescriptions; and extends the benefit of an e-medical history which can be accessed anytime. Patients can further measure vitals and easily store the information in the platform to be availed by the doctor while consulting the patient for better diagnosis.
ATD is backed up by GTOS technology which connects patients to the right doctor in no time
Vasanth, CEO at ATD shares, “ATD is backed up by GTOS technology which connects patients to the right doctor in no time. All that patients need to do is select the right symptom. Everything thereafter will be taken care by ATD.” He further adds that the platform has been developed with the vision to close in the gap for an end-to-end health solution that is at the patient’s disposal 24/7/365, making doctor-patient interaction stress free for urban patients while also reaching out to the rural patients and connecting them to the right and best doctor. As such ATD handpicks India’s best doctors with the aim to make treatment quality rich and effective.
The ATD platform is a robust and sturdy telehealth solution that brings in the capability to overcome challenges of unavailability of healthcare facilities and doctors nearby and higher consultation and travel expense. Moving forward, the market can expect to see the ATD platform evolve into a tool that is transforming the healthcare landscape by connecting pharmacies, laboratories, patients and doctors with each other. Homeopathy, Ayurveda, and Siddha are other fields where the platform will soon penetrate into.