The biggest challenge facing hospital OPDs today is that of over-crowding as patients bustle around from one department to the other. The chaos is further compounded by multiple level patient interactions from billing/accounting to pharmacy to lab rooms, often leading to extreme patient frustration and productive time loss.
Today's healthcare providers require feasible IT technology solutions that help mitigate the chaos surrounding OPDs and help improve patient service delivery experience and fast, efficient order fulfillment. This coupled with systems that help improve OPD revenues while improving patient care is what is required in today's hospitals.
We provide a single technology platform that can improve clients' IT adoption, minimize IT spend and maximize their outcome
This is where Gurgaon headquartered mCURA's mobility platform - SMART OPD stays distinctive. "We provide a single technology platform that can improve clients' IT adoption, minimize IT spend and maximize their outcome. mCURA is the first company to bring health IT as-a-service in a mobility platform- SMART OPD, which offers mobility infrastructure, technology platform and optional skilled manpower. Enhancing workflows, it mitigates safety issues, and curtails errors and revenue leakage," unveils Madhubala Radhakrishnan, Founder & President of mCURA.
Its Smart OPD, India's first successful technology platform, converts desk services into integrated mobility services that help cover entire OPD work-flow, increase IT adoption and accomplish additional revenue.
To enhance health IT adoption, mCURA facilitates zero capex model to hospitals/clinics of any size. "We bring mHealth into mainstream with an aim to transform traumatic visitation experience into a streamlined process. While ameliorating unpleasant visitation experience, we address crucial necessities of hospital CEOs and CIOs by bringing transparency in crowd management and order fulfillment on real-time basis. Patients get real-time information on their mobile phones, which helps them in easy decision-making," opines Madhubala Radhakrishnan.
Rendering a technology cum infrastructure support, Smart OPD plays a crucial role in meeting core problems of OP Ds such aspatient experience, doctors' time management and revenue tracking. Its "Shortest service path" and "Tap & Pay" models offer patients minimal counter visits while completely eliminating necessity of spending valuable time at billing and registration counters. In addition, automated billing and improved productivity can be achieved by supporting patients to use NFC cash cards to pay for OPD services.
"Labs, pharmacy and even patients are being automatically informed. This helps facilitate faster filling of prescription, lowered waiting time for test results and automatic medicine intake reminders to patients. By automating everything, redundancy can be avoided and manpower can be optimized," adds Madhubala Radhakrishnan.
Even in the present digital era, Doctors using computers at point of care is challenging. Perceiving this, Smart OPD offers a Clinical Informatics Executive equipped with smart devices to support doctors for quickly entering patient prescriptions digitally. Besides, catering medical records in chronological order through single view case-sheet, it helps doctors to review and enter their current findings immediately. Delivering pre-defined templates for common ailments frequently seen in OPDs, it reduces doctors' time per patient visit and helps improve patient intakes. Its audio/video tools enhance doctor-patient communication better. Moreover, by storing lab views of wounds and comparing it across time frames, doctors can measure treatment progressions/regressions.
Moving ahead, mCURA is currently expanding its solution to tier II and III towns where technology adoption is relatively lower and a solution like Smart OPD could significantly benefit hospitals.