The healthcare industry along with Information Technology functions to manage, regulate, optimize and mechanize operations in medical organizations. The use of modern techniques in the health and wellness sector offers an effective patient centric approach for medical treatments and enables smooth communication between the doctors, patients and other stakeholders. However, managing the operations efficiently in the hospitals is not an easy task. This is where an effective Hospital Management system comes into picture.
One such company that comes to the rescue of Hospitals with its integrated hospital management systems is Bangalore based Infolife Technologies. Infolife offers ILifeHIS - a real-time; web based integrated hospital management system that automates all aspects of operations, Finance and management of small, medium and large hospitals. This hospital management system enables optimization of resources, quantifiable reduction of costs and errors. This helps in improving operational efficiency and enhancement of the care delivery process. Since it is a scalable and modular solution, ILifeHIS can be configurable /customized according to every client's requirement. The benefits reaped by using ILifeHIS is increased productivity due to seamless integration between various processes and elimination of human errors, reduces the time spent on administrative tasks, improved efficiency due to better access to patient's information , reduction in costs ,and increase in revenues due to faster, accurate and efficient care delivery.
Founded in the year 2000, Infolife an innovative leader in providing Good technology solutions, products and services in the health care space, provides dedicated attention to handle complexities of small and medium hospitals in a diligent manner. The company is not only intoHIMS, but also in to Electronic Health Records, Quality Indicators in Patient care,
Virtual Patient care such as Post discharge and Home Care, Digitization of Physical Medical Records and MediClaim Processing as well.
"We can claim that we are the only company to implement all our solutions with some of our customers," says Bennet Mendis, Co-Founder of Infolife Technologies. "What differentiates us from our competitors is our error free solution implementation and customer satisfaction gained through the customer service post the implementation process," he adds.
What differentiates us from our competitors is our error free solution implementation and customer satisfaction gained through the customer service post the implementation process
Better Healthcare Delivery
The clients can improve on quality of patient care by incorporating Infolife's EHR & Quality Indicator solutions. Moreover, customers can also improve their revenue flow by increasing the numbers of MediClaim. In addition to these, the company is also investing in solutions that will boost the revenue of hospitals. Infolife wants to become a core business partner of hospitals and healthcare centers and not just an IT vendor, by providing solutions such as Insurance company interface solution and Hospitalization selection portal - that will act as a market place for patients to select the right hospital.
The company is planning to expand its operations across the globe. "We will continue to put our efforts in incorporating A1 and Quality Indicator that will be used to monitor the quality of care for patients and also work on improvising the MediClaim portal, Virtual Patient Care and EHR solutions, since we want to provide innovative and proactive solutions that help in identifying and solving the futuristic problem pain points for healthcare providers," concludes Bennet.