Shyatto Raha, Aneesh Nair & Divya Laroyia, Co-Founders
As much as 30% of India's population has no access to primary healthcare. Discrepancy between rural and urban healthcare is evident with 70% of the country's healthcare infrastructure and speciality care remaining limited to top 20 cities and over 67% doctors present in the urban. The situation is aggravated by the lack of awareness, trust and knowledge of preventive health, again stemming from the limited access to healthcare, as a result of which patients seek the aid of professionals only at a later, critical stage.
Addressing these challenges, Gurgaon based InnoCirc Ventures has embarked on a unique path with the objective of enhancing patient care, leveraging its innovative digital platform, MyHealthcare and disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to extend primary care services beyond the physical walls of the hospital. Speaking of the position of the company, Shyatto Raha, Founder and Director, says, "We are a B2B platform, working with hospitals, diagnostics and other care provider institutions, to build treatment modules based on the best care protocols, and create a platform to deliver the same in cities and towns where there is a lack of healthcare services. We are partnering with diagnostics companies and mobile health infrastructure providers to help set up remote healthcare delivery centres across India."
Connecting All Care Providers
The MyHealthcare platform is an enterprise collaboration ecosystem, that has a deep integration across various 3rd party platforms within hospitals such as HIS, EMR, LIS, PACS and offer a seamless user platform for doctors, nurses and paramedics to deliver quality care to its patients. Once
successfully integrated, healthcare institutes can leverage the platform to manage OPD bookings, access video consultations, manage patient journey across IPD, Emergency and manage health records of patients throughout the lifecycle for all healthcare requirements. The MyHealthcare platform also facilitates users with an array of health trackers that enables remote health monitoring of patients' health along with real-time access to records during emergency.
The team of MyHealthcare platform has been striving to bring the complete digital ecosystem to healthcare institutions, playing the role of a long-term digital partner to the hospital as opposed to a vendor, scaling and building their digital healthcare offerings, improving efficiencies and building out new revenue streams for hospitals. Consequently, the platform has been designed to connect care providers with the patients through dedicated apps for doctor, nurse and paramedics. Shyatto adds that the platform's core offering, MyHealthcare SPINE links the care providers i.e. the hospital and the patient at one end and integrates into payment gateways, TPAs and insurance platforms, and the hospital pharmacies at the other end.
MyHealthcare AI
The business has launched its first AI module for radiology, under MyHealthcare AI and partnered with one of India's leading hospitals for a clinical POC and launch of product. The POC will result in an advanced AI healthcare offering, built on a foundation of best in class treatment protocols, across radiology, pathology and primary care treatment modules.
Accurate and Credible
Co-founded by Shyatto Raha, Aneesh Nair, and Divya Laroyia, MyHealthcare is driven by some of the finest speciality healthcare, data security and data architecture talents. With the intent to foster the best care delivery practices, the team has architected the platform with the best-in-class global data management standards. All modules are thoroughly tested prior to the roll-out and adhere to HIPAA compliance requirements in managing patient data for hospitals.
MyHealthcare has started to expand the platform services to Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and the Middle East.