In the past few years, digitalization has signi-ficantly revolutionized the diverse industry sectors, wherein healthcare and pharmaceutical noticed a dynamic revamp. Especially in the wake of the pandemic, the medical and pharma-ceutical sector acknowledged digiti-zation as its only wide platform to explore, build on capabilities, and expand, which is continued. The importance of digitalization and technology cannot be emphasized enough today, as they are prolifically advancing health systems, promoting effective and appropriate data management and communication, establishing transparent patient interaction with their healthcare providers, as well as decision-making, treatment plans, and outcomes.
While the increased digitization of healthcare in India is being stimulated by government initiatives, cost savings, and innovations in technology, today we have a deluge of digital transformation solutions providers in the market profusely contributing to boosting healthcare. Despite these developments brought about by the digital transformation in healthcare, the industry in India is still faced with striking challenges like a shortage of caregivers, accessibility of healthcare services, and then, there are medical progressives and more.
Exceptionally, Dedalus is one that exemplarily tops the list, addressing these often overlooked challenges. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Dedalus is one of the largest global health software companies in the world that specializes in the segment of diagnostic and clinical management solutions (HCIS), GPs and Primary care management, interoperability, and population health management. It is thus remarkably accelerating digital transformation solutions in healthcare, at present.
“The WHO has published multiple studies on the world healthcare ecosystem and one of those is the shortage of caregivers, as people are not only in the metropolitan area but far from urban as well in the remote locations. Since it is above matching the demand vis-a-vis, providing resources, and working on improving the accessibility of and to healthcare services is important through proper planning. Also, not to fall behind on medical progressives, i.e., the healthcare sector should be more understanding and knowledgeable of the root causes of diseases (be it genetic, chronic, or others), because if that is there more new care services can be requested. However, to be able to do that, the medical progress requires a lot of knowledge and data sharing across the caregivers and medicine & healthcare community”, says Andrea Fiumicelli, Chairman of the Board, Dedalus Group.
He adds, “So undoubtedly, healthcare services are again a core theme in the healthcare transformation. If we talk about India, India often is ahead of the curve in Asia, in piloting a new way of delivering care, and innovative solutions to address some of these challenges. Hence, as the gap is huge and the demand is high, we at Dedalus also have a very large healthcare sector team exceeding 1300 people in Asia, overall. We launch and pilot our new solutions in India, like Dedalus Care - our new electronic medical record suite, and our command center i.e., part of the population health management and operational efficiency response, are a few, inclu-ding many others”.
Dedalus is one of the core partners in digital transformation in healthcare in more than 40 countries. The company has a lot of experience and a lot of best practices, which it efficiently brings to its clients given its engagement in multiple health ecosystems. In fact, in terms of electronic medical records, outside the U.S., it is one the largest electronic medical record software providers, and in the diagnostic software, globally, it is number three, carrying the scale and the experience.
Also, Dedalus’ portfolio spans the continuum of care which means having a known presence in the diagno-stic space in acute and cross-sectoral care with the electronic medical record and the clinical decision it is huge enough to address the rising demand successfully. From the technology point of view also, it embraces the latest IT technology and introduces a native cloud-enabled and AI-ready portfolio. The company critically pays a lot of attention to increasing user satisfaction too.
Recently, it has been ranked best-in-class in continental Europe for electronic medical record solutions and it is quite an important step and manifestation of Dedalus’ focus to improve caregiver satisfaction in using healthcare software.
Formidably, it would not be wrong to say that the company has uniquely crafted its way into the healthcare solutions market. The key facts about how Dedalus helps clients in the care continuum and how it embraces open standards to augment the digital transformation of the healthcare ecosystem are noteworthy. First, its portfolio of software, both in the diagnostic as well as in
the clinical routine, is workflow-oriented and functionally rich. Connecting the patient experience can be facilitated by implementing the company’s new product, Dedalus Care, which has already undergone a soft launch in 2023 and is planned for regional deployment in 2024.
Second, Dedalus embraces the interoperability standards and their evolution, like the FHIR (a technical interoperability standard), CDA (a clinical documentation standard to share patient-specific clinical documentation), and others. Third, it supports and simplifies the clinical terminology, whatever clinical terminology standard a country is adopting vitally.
Clinical terminology is really important because, when any electronic medical record, any healthcare software documents basis decisions are made, depending on the clinical terminology standard acknowledged in a country, it is important to assign the same through a terminology code to the set of documentation, before adoption. Dedalus supports the rising standard in clinical terminology, like SNOMED-ICD, SNOMED, or LOINC in the laboratory space, and so its software simplifies clinical terminology adoption. Thus, it has a solution in its data platform to build and manage the data pipeline through varied sources such as medical devices, portable remote monitoring, and others.
Dedalus builds a data pipeline, including the patient consent, who has the right to see my data, eventually providing the encryption and the anonymization. This is also another point, to provide care coordination across hospital and out-of-hospital caregivers. Finally, the open standards, as Dedalus adopts, enable it to use the patient data multiple times. It's called the secondary use of data for research, where the company has a solution for population health management. So, Dedalus' position in terms of the open standard and care continuum is broken in almost a number of ways which profusely accelerates value creation.
Dedalus Is One Of The Core Partners In Digital Transformation In Healthcare In More Than 40 Countries. The Company Has A Lot Of Experience & A Lot Of Best Practices, Which It Efficiently Brings To Its Clients Given Its Engagement In Multiple Health Ecosystems
Prioritizing patient centricity in its digital solutions, Dedalus has a set of applications in place that makes it easy to assess (assess is part of patient centricity) health care services. Also, it embeds country-specific clinical guidelines in its electronic medical record within the routine to assist in patient care. “If there’s a specific health condition, our software as per the clinical country-specific guideline prepares a care management workflow design specific to the patient’s condition, which includes the most appropriate medication prescription, medication therapy, and more.
We also provide care at home, i.e., the remote monitoring of clinical conditions when a patient is discharged from a hospital and moves home. In the process, a connection is established between what happens at home to the clinical team, which helps take care of that patient. Well, there are diverse examples of how Dedalus addresses patient-centricity in our software portfolio as well as in broader solution and care continuum value propositions”, shares Andrea.
Also, as patient safety and confidentiality are of greater concern today, Dedalus classifies it carefully. Being a health software company, it critically complies with the safety and regulatory frameworks starting from the development (supported by evidence of the clinical benefit) and the release of plans, to the support phase with the best practices for patient safety. Especially, for cybersecurity, it implements anonymization and encryption either in storage or during the transfer of data. Finally, it also remains extremely conscious and aware of country-specific data sovereignty.
The software industry in healthcare is a changing body, as historically, software was designed to digitize healthcare processes, while today software has an additional goal, such as utilizing the operational, clinical, and diagnostic tools to make possibly the best decision based on a huge amount of data available. Over the years, for Dedalus, it has been a great and successful journey in the digital health transformation aspect. The company has grown significantly in the past four years, increasing the people headcount from just two thousand to eight thousand now. Even the way, client numbers have increased displays the company’s commitment to delivering the solutions, keeping the clients central.
“We have been already adopting the latest technologies like cloud-native, artificial intelligence technologies, and more to crunch data in real-time and support medical coding more effectively, but we still have so many things that we can bring to the health care ecosystem to give better health care services. Precisely, as innovation today is the core of development, it should be co-created with clients and partners, hence Dedalus is looking more outside to co-develop innovation, instead of being a traditional company, creating innovation by themselves, and then bringing it to the market”, signs off Andrea.