20 Most Promising Health Care Solutions Providers

20 Most Promising Health Care Solutions Providers

20 Most Promising Health Care Solutions Providers

The Indian healthcare industry has progressed at an impressive pace over the past few years. The private sector has emerged as a vibrant force in the industry, accounting for almost 74 per cent of the country’s total healthcare expenditure. The Indian healthcare revenue stood at $ 68.4 billion in 2011 and is expected to reach $ 158.2 billion by 2017. Of the total healthcare revenues in the country, hospitals account for 71 percent, pharmaceuticals for 13 percent and medical equipment and supplies for 9 percent.

Healthcare is at the brink of an evolution. With more and more healthcare organizations embracing technology, the entire face of healthcare management is soon to get metamorphed. In this changing landscape, the healthcare industry is fast moving towards being characterized by simplified operating environments with easy-to-access real-time information. This will affect the transparency and all aspects of accounting & financial reporting that helps the healthcare organizations in efficient management.

Although, managing the IT infrastructure for a healthcare organization is a complex, time-consuming and hectic job. More than 40 percent of the total resolution time is spent on problem isolation and root cause analysis rather than actually solving the problem in any healthcare organization. Automatic audit of the IT infrastructure in real time gives unparalleled visibility into all systems. Additionally, 75 percent of a typical IT budget is spent on just maintaining existing IT operations while 8 percent still rely on spot checks for security.

But the situation isn’t as grave as it seems since there are many healthcare IT service providers in the market which, with their innovative solutions, help organizations weather these challenges. Of the entire lot, siliconindia brings out the names of “40 Most Promising Healthcare & Life Sciences Software Companies” which offer solutions to their clients with various innovative ways. With the help of this list, you can single out the company that can best serve your requirements and help your organization function more dexterously.


We present to you CIOTechOutlook 20 Most Promising Health Care Solutions Providers.

Company Name Company Description
Accutest The global Clinical Research Organization (CRO) is expected to reach $23.6 billion this year. However, India's contribution is a meager 2 percent to this industry despite of it becoming a hub of...
AFourTech This is a common conundrum faced by all independent software vendors (ISV) at some point or the other. While others are still racking their brains for an answer, the founders of AFourTech, Mahesh...
ALTEN Calsoft Labs Indian healthcare market is poised to grown exponentially in the coming years. But irrespective of its giant population, India is still lagging in investment in this industry. There is an inherent...
AUSA Technical Solutions AUSA (A Unique Software Application), previously known by AAPSHI, only executes the solution as a SERVICE not as Product, is now serving several such satisfied clients in the healthcare sector...
Busysoft Systems 'We develop software that works as per you'. That's the motto by which Busysoft Systems has abided by to develop a series of low cost computerized software applications in common as well as...
Cal-Info Systems Indian healthcare is rocketing to its pinnacle with the popularity of innovative Indian doctors and the phenomenal increase in India's medical tourism.While westerners travel to India for...
Clinicea Healthcare India While the tertiary sector is well serviced by giants of the industry, many new entrants in the primary healthcare industry are trying to offer very similar business productivity solutions that do...
CliniExperts The year 2005 introduced a new era of product patent system in India. This helped science-based industries flourish exponentially resulting in an unprecedented demand for outsourced value-added...
e-Zest Solutions Though Indians are one of the most innovative minds in the world, we are still not living with our clones as foreseen in reel; as nearly all brilliant ideas are nipped in bud due to lack of...
G-Cube Solutions At a time when IT was at its doom, three fresh engineering graduates decided to take on the challenge to educate people through e-Learning. "We knew e-Learning will be a hot spot, as in the coming...
HospitalSoftwareShop It is an era of being tagged as an IT-maniac. Healthcare industry is no different in this context. IT has been helping the healthcare industry become smarter and work faster. While Indian...
ICONS Infocom In 2012, Dalai Lama's speech on world peace at Brown University turned into an awkward situation when 5000 people burst out into laughter due to a subtitle blunder caused by the mental lapse of a...
iLogy Healthcare Solutions As the digital age grows, specialized content is becoming more significant, and the demand for good content is spreading across all domains including IT, Legal, and Healthcare. However, medical...
KTwo Technology Solutions Dreaming of cushy jobs in cities, most of the doctors disincline to work in villages which constitute a large part of developing countries like India. Surprisingly, the country has a doctor to...
Nous Infosystems The annual IT spent by healthcare companies are augmenting globally. The current trends in the North American Healthcare space like meaningful use, accountable care organization and health...
Quintessence Business Solutions & Services India's healthcare system continues to expand its coverage, services and expenditure in the public as well as private sectors. This creates a large market for hospital information systems and other...
SmartRx Usually organizations 'innovate' by replicating successful products from developed countries like U.S. But SmartRx set the bar really high by refusing to follow other's footprints and launched...
SoftLink International If you plan to build a Heart Care center, will you dare to divest authority for hospital automation and building automation to someone to do from scratch? The answer may be an emphatic 'NO'. But...
SpadeWorx Software Services A leading global pharmaceutical company with major market share in India, U.S., Russia-CIS and Europe was struggling with their manual process. There was lack of transparency, ownership of process...
TAKE Solutions Rising as a potent competitor to the developed countries, the Indian pharmaceutical industry holds a big pie in the global market. In recent years, several international audits have raised concerns...