ICM Solutions:Stable Insurance System using Approved Field Technologies

CIO Vendor In the insurance industry data on various insurance products are not available in any central server for everyone to access. The premium rates and policy features had to be collected from each company and stored internally. Based out of Chennai, ICM Solutions has designed a framework for insurance intermediaries such as insurance broking firms, and banks selling insurance ( bancassurance) to instantly give a quote comparison and features comparison of almost all the insurance products sold by almost all the companies in India. Where it is not feasible to give quotes, it gets as much information as possible and passes it along for the sales team to give quote.

For the BFSI industry, ICM has a readily available and proven solution called Bancassurance (EZ Banca) businesses. ICM's solution relieves the bankers of all pains related to banca business: capturing and converting leads, training, renewals, reconciliation, and much more. The package EZBanca contains 4 modules: EZLoad, EZCompare, EZCRM, and EZBack. Any bank that is engaged in bancassurance business that utilizes more than one insurer can benefit immensely without adding any additional staff at the branch locations. ICM's intuitive solution requires almost zero training time, requiring one to just learn the process flow. Besides, since the solution works independently mostly, there is no risk to CBS (core banking solution). Infrastructure Maintenance System "“ (IMS) is another proven, market tested product that caters to large organizations in possession of large assets that require constant maintenance. The system has valuable dashboards that report on most failing areas, assess vendor performance (SLA V. actual), and hundreds of critical information. This solution could be used easily and almost immediately by malls, metro systems, city offices, banks, and large apartment complex, etc.

ICM Solutions, part of ICM Group, develops complex systems that deal with massive amounts of data and transactions. All of ICM's applications are tailored to respond to business critical requirements

ICM Solutions has been working in the field of custom applications development since 1989. ICM was formed in 1989 by professionals with a
global combined experience of more than 50 years in the fields of Information Technology, and Management. Presided over by V Narayanan, the ICM Group of Companies has helped more than 500 customers achieve their goals by providing effective custom solutions that combines software, hardware and other services. ICM Solutions, part of ICM Group, develops complex systems that deal with massive amounts of data and transactions. All of ICM's applications are tailored to respond to business critical requirements. The team's capability in project management, technology, quality assurance and methodology assure that every project is a success. The company constantly updates and upgrades their products by utilizing latest technology that could further help customer to improve efficiency and / or reduce cost of operation. Moreover, the ICM team comprises of enthusiasts inclined to experiment and do R&D on latest and greatest technology trends that could be used in products.

ICM Solutions puts forward this aggregator type framework ideated by ICM Solutions' co-founder, Kalyani Narayanan. The portal is developed on open source aimed to empower the intermediaries selling multi brand insurance products.

"In about a couple of months, we can customize the framework to use any intermediary" says Mr Narayanan. The total solution includes the web portal, the back office, and the CRM.

Driven by Experienced Industry Veterans

The founder president of ICM Group, Narayanan, has spent 13 years of his academic and professional life in the US. He has held various management positions in Fortune 500 companies. Prior to forming ICM Narayanan was with Lone Star Gas, USA, as Vice President/Treasurer. He was the youngest officer of the company and was instrumental in saving millions by effectively automating various company activities. Narayanan is an MBA graduate from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA. He is a CPA and CMA. Mr Narayanan has also served as an Honorary Advisor in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj for the GoI.

The co-founder of the organization, Kalyani Narayanan, a serial entrepreneur, brings more than 30 years of experience in IT of which she had worked 6 years in the U.S. with some of the Fortune 100 companies like Sprint and Pennzoil. In India, she worked with Covansys India, a multinational IT solutions provider, where she was responsible for two of its Fortune-100 clients. She served as CEO of Allfon Systems; a US based multinational telecom solutions software company for over 5 years. Kalyani has been instrumental in formulating the company's strategy and building and managing the organization's development centre in India. Having started her career in the States, Kalyani Narayanan has worked on large information systems before relocating back to India. In Kalyani's technical and managerial capacity, she has completed several projects that span across ERP solutions, ecommerce portals, large systems solutions, and integration solutions, etc. for customers around the globe.