CNB: Non-Intrusive IoT Solution for Marine Container Logistics

CNB: Non-Intrusive IoT Solution for Marine Container Logistics

Vast and complex yard operations require advanced technology to manage the processes in a smooth and efficient way. State of the art technologies have been deployed to engineer the marine vessels on the port. But machine automation can't bring in the desired efficiency alone. There is a strong need to adopt modern day technologies to synchronize the machine potential with an automated process. Manual legacy based infrastructure companies can optimize their business process to leverage on the yard management software to enhance operational productivity and reduce expense. There is a burning need to switch from the legacy way of doing things to modernized processes. CNB seeks to bridge the schism through its convincing and promising solutions to help businesses gain competitive advantage. The Company is dedicated to delivering high-quality, smart and secure products to their customers worldwide. They have carved a strategic position in the value chain with their innovation, extensive technology, and understanding of the domain and processes.

Nitin Sirohi& Rajesh Kumar, Co Founders

Talking about the current need of technology up gradation in marine solution segment, Rajesh Kumar, Co-Founder and Director, CNB says, "I personally feel that the majority of data collection and entry point in this complete domain is still manual which gives rise to erroneous and delayed data. It makes the analysis for anything slow and less efficient. I think this is the field where if you have real-time accurate data, one will have great scope for BigData Analysis and AI. And they can benefit this domain at much bigger scale."
Keeping in mind the larger legacy market's need, CNB provides non-intrusive technology solutions where businesses do not have to implement much change in their processes. CNB collects needed data without any analysis through its services for ports and shipping container yards. Containers are moved several times throughout their stay in the port, CNB provides IoT (Internet of Things) services to keep a track record of all the activities and movements. Talking about the overview of its IoT solutions, Kumar explains, "We install our IoT infrastructure in the yard to capture all the movement data fully automatically and use that data to plan the complete yard to optimize container movement so that overall operation becomes more productive and efficient."

Emphasizing on the benefits of automation regarding safety measures Kumar says, "Since all the data is captured automatically and all the planning and tasks are delivered automatically, there is no one needed to move inside the yard which increases the safety parameter of yard by several folds."

"We install our IoT infrastructure in the yard to capture all the movement data fully automatically and use that data to plan the complete yard to optimize container movement"

Owing to its dedication in providing quality services for Marine solutions, CNB has achieved world class efficiency level exceeding the industry average. It scores 100 percent accuracy at identifying containers while in the stack along with its X-Y-Z cordinates. Also, it provides full consultancy on data security with subscription model of services, while ensuring data security.

CNB's next product in line will be SmartYard, developed to manage the complete yar operation. The company envisions achieving maximum optimization in the chain of Ports-Container Yards-Warehouses.