Technology Platforms that turns Brands into Superbrands

Monica Gupta Director- Interactive Bees Pvt. Ltd

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Technology has continuously evolved to the changing landscape pushing the envelope and bridging the gap that visionaries seek to plug. No tech find has remained entrenched forever and this is what makes this arena the most happening place which attracts the smartest minds. Breakthrough technologies will follow in rapid progressions and leave the previous ones obsolete, keeping the developers on their toes.  

Web design and development    

Latest transitions in the web design and development industry have pointed to the changing dynamics. Web development industry has consistently kept pace with the protocols that run the next generation responsive websites whichadapts to the technology available at the last mile i.e. the consumers end be it a smartphone, laptop or a tablet.  Many a time consumers face issues like pixilation and inability to run a website dynamically due to lack of software embedded in the personal device. Issues like these turn the tech experts to look for solutionswhich adapt to the changing patterns of connectivity.

Technology implementation in latest web standards and developing designs using bootstrap templates and latest HTML5, CSS3 standards to create a responsive website is becoming an utmost necessity. Dedicated support of team members working in sync is the only way a project can come alive. The team of user Interface developers has to make sure that designs created in photoshop are delivered seamlessly and consistently on all the browsers. Design also happens to be the most important parts of a website, because that is what acts as a stimulant to keep a user interested and hence making it intuitive, appealing and usable should be the aim. The team of UE (usability engineers) and UI (user interface) designers who understand user behavior and their interaction with the website, suggest a design for the website.

Responsive layouts, browser consistencies are a standard when it comes to creating a project from scratch or in revamp stage. Brainstorming sessions over understanding the project requirement and assembling a team of experts who will bring the process to fruition is what helps an agency dedicate resources towards executing projects under strict timelines.An agency that understands the brand as well as the technology can create holistic solutions. Amalgamating both effectively and carving a solution for client is the USP that helps brand communication agency carve a niche standing in the market.

Social media and optimization

Faster connectivity has kept pace with the rise of social media and has brought the world on the fingertips. Today’s web is a completely revolutionized version from the previous one and is known as Web3.0. Not only the web space but the user has also evolved in the intervening period! Web today is not static, it is responsive. It gives the visitor the opportunity to interact with the brand, evolves with the feedback and engages with the customer and lets them customize their experience! This increases participation and makes it an integrated web medium.

Today we do not talk about using either SEO or SMO or e-mailers or paid or referral or SMS campaigns, today we have to make the user participate and interact with the brand through every tool. We talk about using all possible options of connecting with the customer making use of ‘AND’ not ‘OR’!
Today’s web is also about communities and how you involve them around your brand. The new age web is about networks which means your web property cannot work in a vacuum. It has to work with connections. This is why you connect your website with social media communities and authoritative web properties that are buzzing with traffic and activity.

Building social media presence for clients and integrating it with viral campaigns with the use of storytelling through videos and social drives has become the trend that will define the new age communication strategy. Understanding that videos are becoming the preferred medium of consumption and helping clients leverage this opportunity will help keep consumer affixed towards a brand.

Hiring a brand communication agency

Agencies available with solutions across the evolution stage of a brand from creating a unique name to building a brand presence across online as offline medium and everything in between should be the preferred choice.A comprehensive brand building and brand management experience seamlessly built for offline and onlineshould be considered as a comprehensive 360 degree solution. Robust solutions, which are beyond conventional thinking and imagination, will help brands make a sacred space in the mind of consumer.

The capacity and the caliber to create any web property be it a website, microsite or blog, application, creative, viral video irrespective of client’s business vertical is the dynamics behind 360 degree integrated marketing. An agency with a reputation of standing amongst the most venerated ones in the advertising industry and working towards delivering excellence no matter what it takes to differentiate it defines its potential.Quality and delivery standards around a project and building a credible presence for a brand that can differentiate it from the others in the crowded marketplace will make dependenceon an agency worthwhile.

Approach for the future
Consumer has started preferring apps over the website for information.This is why API’s that act as front ends to large databases providing any information on single designed web page is becoming a mainstay and should be the change that every  business needs to adapt to. Creating applications that simplify processes for businesses and bringing the database together to keep everything available online make brands accessible across platforms.
Brand communication agencies that have built an integrated presence will be able to cater to brands irrespective of their genre and create cross platform strategies in order to bring synergy in communications across marketing mediums with a creative differentiation. Agencies committed to building brands identifiers that connect with the audience on a personal level will stand out in a crowded market.