Intouch Consumer Care Solutions: Providing a powerful End to End Connected Retail Solution Platform
Intouch Consumer Care Solutions: Providing a powerful End to End Connected Retail Solution Platform
Organized retail today is looking to provide the shopper a seamless multi-channel experience across various platforms like web, mobile and brick & mortar. With consumers becoming increasingly well versed at using technology, retailers now need to leverage these platforms and deliver a smooth experience. "In order to get over these challenges, retailers need to start investing in a real time connected end-to-end system that can provide them real time visibility and control over their growing business and the ability to react fast to external changes. Our solutions are aimed at providing them these capabilities," says Dr. Anant Mahale & Unmesh Mayekar, Co-Founders & Directors of Intouch Consumer Care Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Headquartered in Pune, the company meets the expectations of retailers by providing solutions which are designed for rapid deployment with inherent flexibility to be deployed as stand-alone solutions, or to integrate with existing systems. The solutions are designed to be extensible in functionality and leverage a variety of platforms to handle the changing business requirements. Intouch's core team has over 100 years of collective global experience in developing and delivering innovative technology based enterprise solutions for Retailers and Manufacturers. For retailers who are seeking to invest in a complete end-to-end solution to manage their business, Intouch offers a complete cloud based solution that offers the retailer a fully loaded solution through - "Intouch Retail" - a suite that provides an end-to-end connected solution to handle a centrally driven connected multi-store environment including multiple fully owned/franchisee owned stores, multiple warehouses and a corporate entity. On the other hand, there are retailers who choose to
continue using their existing point of sales (POS) solutions. Intouch offers them the option to deploy its unique patent pending data capture technology that can silently capture real time transaction data from any windows based billing system without any change or disruption in the existing business process. Transaction data is pulled on to a central server and delivered in the form of insights and reports to enable actionable decisions.The Intouch Retail architecture utilizes the cloud platform to provide real time connectivity and view into all critical retail operations for tracking, alerting, decision making and execution. The architecture combines the power of the cloud to provide a connected platform for central reporting, tracking, decision making and execution, while allowing local online/offline operational components to run the business.
Intouch offers a complete cloud based solution that offers the retailer a fully loaded solution
Intouch anticipates a significant rise in demand for its solution as awareness grows in the retail industry to have an Omni-channel strategy.With the ability to leverage multiple platforms (Online, Mobile, Tablet, and PC) within the central architecture, Intouch Retail solution is ideally suited for the Omni-channel retailer that needs to rapidly respond to customer requests while providing a seamless customer experience. Moving ahead, Intouch's mission is to become a globally recognized brand as a next generation solution provider in the Supply Chain Visibility and Supply Chain Collaboration space with its focus on providing a collaboration portal to retailers to enable real time data sharing and order collaboration with their suppliers.
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