Purple Pi - Targeting Organized Retail with Indigenous Solutions

CIO Vendor Figures from Forrester research revealed that by 2021, consumers will spend USD 152 billion directly via mobile phones, accounting for almost a quarter of total sales. However, it also noted that overall, mobile phones helped influence some USD 2 trillion retail sales, both online and offline, highlighting the importance of creating a seamless shopping experience through retails allowing consumers to transit effort lessly from one channel to another. At the heart of this will be ensuring that consumers are able to get the best experience no matter what channel they use, in-store or online. Familiar with the customer experience in this highly competitive marketplace of both online and offline platform, Mumbai based Purple Pi sits right in between 'in-store' and 'web' with an innovative approach.

Virtual Shopping with Mobile Platform
Purple Pi gives customers exactly what they want, whenever and wherever. All the key and relevant features to operate a Modern Trade Retail are integrated seamlessly into a mobile platform developed indigenously.

Shoppers can shop their merchandise in a store by using the Mobile App and at the same time merchant can service an order and maintain product data. Moreover,through Virtual Shopping in a brick and mortar store and self-checkout option, a consumer gets rid of conventional shopping and is better informed on price and offers
available. Retailers can service an order real time through Purple Pi Retailers' Mobile App. Although Purple Pi offers a holistic platform to manage many touchpoints in Modern Trade Retail, it still follows a micro service approach in which some features which are relevant to a customer can be offered off the shelf. This remains a striking feature of Purple Pi that allows this retail solution provider to make a name for itself in the market crowded with contemporary products.

"Although Purple Pi offers a holistic platform to manage many touchpoints in Modern Trade Retail, it still follows a micro service approach"

Most of the internal processes are automated to yield engaging user experience when it comes to designing display formats to sell more in a Virtual Store formats. Additionally, the Display technology is the keystone in Purple Pi's offering. Most of these display formats are templatized to facilitate a DIY approach. For manufactures, features like very little working capital requirement and the ability to design, manage and announce price change, discounts and offers, makes Purple Pi appealing and seamless.

Embarking on New Age Retail Solution
Purple Pi is all set to focus on Food and Grocery in modern retail in the near future. Purple Pi had opened first Virtual Store in a Tier-II town of Aurangabad, Maharashtra within 2 days with 2000 life size images of food and grocery items stacked as per Category, giving an ambience of a real brick and mortar store. Shoppers walked and scanned their way out after filling their shopping cart. The Packaging and Logistics team in Warehouse were also given Mobile Interface to track and service orders in real time. The company is now wrapping up the offerings by including managed services around logistics, inventory management and product content management to address various Indian geographies' needs.