Vinay Ghule, Co-founder & Sudhir Patil, Co-founder
On average, people spend 80 percent of their lives inside buildings. With the technology evolution, the role of Buildings is changing from providing static environment to dynamic one. This leads to Smart Buildings and SmartWork places.
A Smart Building can be defined as an Automated Building that is designed and centrally managed to ensure Safety, Comfort and Productivity for its occupant as well as achieving Energy Efficiency, through IoT,thereby enhancing Long Term Sustainability at Minimal Running cost.
Traditionally, various sub systems in the building such as HVAC, Fire & Safety, Lighting, Electrical etc. are designed and commissioned to operate in isolation. The local optimization of these sub systems provides only short term benefits.
Facility managers inherit legacy based security and safety systems from multiple vendors of different brands, which leads to lack of interoperability. This is because most of the Integrated Building Management Solutions are proprietary in nature and specific vendor dependent. Hence, they are not customizable. Therefore, the facility managers are looking for solutions that are interoperable, convergent and vendor neutral.
Choosing a right IoT platform for designing integrated Building Management Systems becomes crucial for making a Building truly Smart.
Acknowledging these challenges and opportunities, Leap Info Systems(Leap), a Pune based company, by leveraging the power of Internet of Things(IoT), delivers truly interoperable, convergent and vendor neutral solutions for commercial spaces and industrial set ups. The company
mainly provides specialized Lighting Controls like Dynamic Day Light Harvesting, Human Centric Lighting, Integrated Building Management System and Indigenous Home Automation Solutions. The solutions for Smart Building by Leap are based on an Open Standard Platform. Some of the key advantages are;
1)Interoperability: Various sub systems talk to each other using open standard protocols as well as provides mechanism for extension to work with legacy systems. For e.g. Inputs from sensors, which are part of the lighting management system can be used to make on the fly changes in HVAC systems and so on.
2)Convergence: Same platform provides one view of the entire ecosystem and ways for global optimization. Analogy of Android platform fits very well here. It’s like building various apps for different requirements on the same platform.
3) Vendor Neutral: Freedom from vendor lock in. Customer gets to chose best option at competitive budgets.
"Leap Info Systems leverages the power of Internet Of Things (IoT) to deliver truly interoperable, convergent and vendor neutral solutions for commercial spaces and industrial set ups"
Specialized Lighting Solutions
Leap provides different types of lighting solutions such as Connected Lighting, Day Light Harvesting and Human Centric Lighting. The company leverages the latest IoT technologies, enabling to make the most out of the investments into lighting systems. Leap’s Lighting solutions are built based on elite dali’s DALI network-based systems. These are open standard and vendor independent solution that helps organizations remotely monitor, control and automate not just lighting but also other subsystems. The solutions generate and leverage real-time business intelligence data to increase productivity and profitability of organizations. What makes Leap’s lighting solutions unique is the automatic fault detection and diagnosis system feature that not only detects the issue but also finds the root cause of the issue, helping to resolve it easily and quickly.
Leap’s Founders Sudhir Patil and Vinay Ghule reiterated that Leap Info Systems aim to become a leader in promoting open standards in delivering interoperable, convergent IoT solutions for iBMS, Specialized Lighting Controls and Software solutions.