The major driving factor for the global waste to energy market is rapidly growing energy demand coupled with the shift in trends towards developing renewable energy. Moreover, one of the major hesitancies associated with the adoption of renewable energy is the lack of awareness regarding waste to energy benefits especially in developing economies. Enlightening the Indian industries with the perks of adopting waste to energy concept, Mumbai headquartered Brio Energy, with its high-tech energy equipments focuses towards optimal energy utilization in tandem with environmental compatibility. Microturbine, Concentrated Solar Thermal Parabolic Trough, Heat pump and Compressors are few of the equipments that are presently in Brio Energy’s radar.
The gap between sewage generation and its treatment has been widening. A significant proportion of the total installed capacity is lying non-operational due to poor plant maintenance and the lack of adequate collection networks. With the use of an anaerobic digester, Brio Energy’s Capstone microturbines are able to cleanly and effectively run on methane gas from landfills, wastewater treatment facility, food processing facilities and agriculture waste, which are often referred to as “green waste.” Rather than simply venting or flaring the methane gas, Capstone microturbines convert this free fuel to clean and reliable electricity for use at the site or surrounding areas. Capstone offers its “CR” (Capstone Renewable) line of micro turbines specifically designed to operate on waste gas fuels.
Energy efficiency correctly refers to the proper utilization of both electrical energy and thermal energy in the power production process. Capstone micro turbines are built to be easily integrated to capture
thermal energy produced from the exhaust to provide a significant economic advantage to end users. Capstone microturbines achieve overall efficiency levels of up to 80 percent in combined heat and power (CHP) applications and up to 90 percent in combined cooling, heat and power(CCHP)applications.
Capstone microturbines are built to be easily integrated to capture thermal energy produced from the exhaust
With environmental concerns at an all time high many manufacturers are moving away from traditional solvent cleaners that use ozone depleting chemicals or contain a high VOC (volatile organic compound) content, and replacing them with safer alternatives. Brio Energy’s Pureti shows potential to revolutionize the cleaning and coating technology. It is water based light activated product meant to perform self cleaning and air purification. As compared to outdoors, the indoor air content contains various detrimental factors which cannot be sensed but are prone to produce hazardous fatal ailments affecting the respiratory system. Pureti rightly acts upon such factors like VOC, TVOC, Formaldehydes, Particulate matters & air born particles. It oxidizes the air, killing all this components at the molecular level.
As the present scenario in smart city domain is changing and involving every node of technology to advance, Brio Energy has targeted to focus on the data storage capability with inducing a performance of measuring more than 250 parameters per second. Brio Energy intends to continue offering technology based energy products relevant to industry, equitably compatible to the market, finance and environment.