FIMO Technologies and Services: Introducing Conscious Walking for Overall Enhanced Performance

CIO Vendor In India, incorporating technology into the sports footwear market is fast becoming a way of life. Several organizations have begun penetrating the market with its efforts to engineer conventional shoes with advancing technologies in order to increase convenience, boost comfort and improve health. However, while proposing massive potential where a few companies have managed to release their line of smart shoes/wearable devices and a few have tanked, this market is still in its infancy in India. Most wearable devices available in the market concentrate more on calculating the amount of work done and linking the activity to a smartphone application and are unable to assess how this work is done. Sport professionals/athletes require smart shoes that possess the ability to enhance the user's performance and make the last mile really matter. Advanced technical performance and innovation to further improve the users' capabilities while reducing susceptibility to a majority of sports injuries are of paramount importance.

Better equipped to help sports professionals and sports enthusiasts improve performance is Bangalore headquartered FIMO Technologies and Services with its unique and innovative flagship product F PACE. The AI-based smart shoes can be leveraged to conduct a seamless analysis of the athlete's performance.

Delivery of Personalized Feedback to End-users
The patented product enables users to improve their footwork and enhance their performance based on gait analysis and real-time step data. Some of the key features of the product offered are foot pressure analysis, activity recognition, step counter and AI analysis. "The devices available in the market follow the fundamental principle of "˜every movement is not step but every step is movement' but in our research we have understood
there's more to a step and accessing that data helps to understand the athlete in multiple dimensions, that's why our slogan for F-Pace when we started all this was "˜step is not a movement'," informs Lal Krishna Mitta, Founder and CEO of FIMO Technologies and Services.

He then goes on to guide us through FIMO's journey of inception in 2017 along with his Co-founder and Operations Head, Nagaraju Kallepalli. The company was established with the vision of delivering Freedom in Moments, hence FIMO. He recounts the time when him being overweight was synonymous with not following through with his gym membership neither adhering to a diet. That is when they begin going for walks and counting their steps and soon came to realise that most of the time people fail to observe how they walk or run. Further research conducted revealed that there is a lot more to how an individual walks or runs that can improve overall performance. "We then created footwear to cater to this. The pressure exerted across the various points with different activities helped us understand how different parts of the lower body either respond or carry out certain activities. Once we started mapping all this and producing an analysis of the work completed by the user, we understood this could be much more useful for sports professionals," Krishna.

The team of experts at FIMO are currently working on several other innovations that will revolutionize the sports industry

Positively impacting the smart shoes domain, the team of experts at FIMO are currently working on several other innovations that will revolutionize the sports industry and thus put forward the notion of transforming traditional sports into smart sports, to be launched in the near future. One of the torchbearers in this sector, FIMO is on the lookout for potential investors looking to pool in funds and take this innovation to newer heights.