Plintron - Exploding Mobility with Cloud Based Solutions for MNOs & MVNOs

CIO Vendor With cloud computing being the game changer, telecom network operators and service providers are now looking to the cloud to reap the benefits like cost effectiveness and scalability. Moreover, competition, cost pressures, and the demand for services and applications anytime, anywhere, and on any device are forcing telecom service providers to consider alternative delivery models to acquire and deliver communication services demanded by their customers. In addition, telecom operators are looking forward to leverage the significant investment they've already made in their existing infrastructure.

Accomplishing solutions imposed on cloud to deliver competitive advantage to telecoms is India Technology house Plintron, a Global player in the wireless mobile and virtual networks space that is one of the largest multi-country telecom cloud-based infrastructure for MNOs, MVNOs and enterprises. "A global player in cloud communications solutions, Plintron develops its international standards imposed on a cloud technology to help clients transform and upgrade their current technology." says Mohan Kumar Sundaram, Co-Founder & Chairman of Plintron.

Plintron enjoys interoperable experience with several MNO's Mobile Network such as Vodafone, O2, Orange,etc

Simplifying Mobility
Established in 2008, Worlds Largest Multi-Country MVNx Player, Plintron focuses on making Technology simple and differentiator for its clients. "Keeping it simple for clients helps them enjoy competitive advantage where every conceivable mobility communications' need is met." adds Mohan. The company's offerings include Cloud Communication Platform(CCP)for Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) Market and Cloud Communication Services (CCS)for Mobile Virtual Network Aggregator (MVNA) Market across the globe. Hosting Cloud based Multi-Country MVNE platform that enables the world's largest MVNO service across 21 countries; Plintron enjoys interoperable experience with several MNO's Mobile Network such as Vodafone, O2, Orange, Three, T-Mobile, Mobistar, ePlus+, Telefonica, TDC, Telenor, Netcom, Telstra, Polkomtel Plus+ and Bouygues; that in turn helps Plintron strengthen its CCP for customer brands across US, Australia, and Europe.

Spearheading several first-of-its kind offerings in the CCP space by enabling cost effective service, faster-to-market capability and world-class customer experience for MNOs & MVNO's; Plintron's CCP enables the Mobile services offering products to simplify the operations of MNOs and MVNO's allowing them to focus on their business and marketing. Mobile Network (Network Elements), Business Support Systems (BSS), Operations Support Systems (OSS), and Value Added Services (VAS) form the wide range of services that the company offers in its CCP .
Plintron claims its success in the MVNE business to be a strong foundation for company to offer its Cloud Communication Services for MVNA Market, making Plintron a vital part of the MVNO and MNO eco system. Moreover, Plintron is a catalyst to serve as the bridge between the MVNOs and MNOs by reselling airtime from the MNO to the MVNO as a bundle along with its CCP technology. The customized agreements of Plintron with MNO's enable MVNOs to launch faster and in a cost effective manner, as a result which MNO's wholesale can now focus on their strategic initiatives and offload wholesale business & operation accountability to a single partner Plintron for all their MVNO's. Renowned for simplifying operations, PLINTRON manages all its global network operations from its offshore centers.
The adaptable approach to development and services draws strength from Plintron's collaborative structure that empowers the company's workforce to make company an efficient partner. The company has its own R&D offshore facility for its CCP Technology, being anend-2-end own solutions there is smooth integration and seamless running of technology, that helps customers save on time and cost.

The Future
Hosting the longest Running Cloud Platform for over 8 Years, Plintron houses the 24x7 Global Technology Delivery Centre in India along with other Regional Business & Support offices in London (UK), Sydney (Australia) and Seattle (US) with plans for expansion underway in Africa and APAC in the upcoming years. Owning the highest number of countries in commercial operations for MVNO market, Plintron is a market leader in MVNE & MVNA space. The company further plans to launch complementary products on its CCP and thus strengthen its position in telecom industry in upcoming years.


Success Story of Plintron
One of the world's leading MVNOs operating in multiple countries desired to migrate ASAP their entire subscriber base in a country from its current national MNO partner to another due to business reasons

The Solution
Plintron recommended an overnight migration using its Network transfer service in its CCP to make sure there was no service impact to the end-subscriber. Plintron avoided outage on services during migration by innovatively notifying the handsets and sim cards for dynamic refresh through its Network transfer services.

More than 10Million SIMS have been migrated which has substantial active subscriber base and was in new partner network at the rise of the sun. Entire migration was completed successfully overnight. PLINTRON acts and responsive to its clients market needs as a trusted partner.