MasterCom- Delivering Value to Telecom Sector with the Blend of Technical Expertise & Deep Insight i

CIO Vendor The Indian telecom industry has come a long way since its liberalization era. The plethora of telecom services evolved over the years, ranging from basic telephony to voice, video and data services, Wimax, WLAN ,VPN, bandwidth on demand and 4G have catalyzed revolutionary changes in the business operations for the service sector.

MasterCom is a provider of COTS(commercial off-the-shelf) products that strongly believes in the concept of plug and play solutions

But despite increased clarity on the direction of Government regulation and policies, industry lacks the apt strategies and is thus facing a slowdown in revenue growth and huge pressure on profit margin. Enabling the better understanding of software solutions, their implementation and integration is Bangalore based MasterCom, a system integrator that aids enterprises to implement software solutions in a better cost effective way.

Being an active part of telecom domain since its inception in 2007, MasterCom has successfully built a strong resource pool over the years.
The company regards its domain expertise as its strength, and therefore implements it to maintain the quality of work; be it consulting, development or managed services. Moreover, company looks at solutions with a holistic view and to aid telcos manage the cost, MasterCom proposes cost effective cum futuristic solutions. "Customers may not be able to list of all the requirements when they approach MasterCom for the solution but company takes it as a responsibility to evaluate the current and future requirements and implement the best solution to assist the customer manage costs in the long run." says Sreenivasa Nagappa, Director of MasterCom TechServices.

MasterCom is a provider of COTS(commercial off-the-shelf) products that strongly believes in the concept of plug and play solutions. Over the years MasterCom has built tools like netsetgo which have the capability to manage fault, performance and inventory under one roof. The tool can be useful for quick integration with NMS and EMS of telecom network using NBI protocols like CORBA, SNMP, TL 1 and so on. "Testing and Diagnostics tools are also developed in-house, that would aid NOC and SOC teams to trouble shoot the network within fraction of minutes and boost up the productivity of operations." adds Sreenivasa.

MasterCom targets to become one of the most preferred IT partner for all operators around the globe and also looks forward for listing the company in BSE in the upcoming years. Currently having strong presence in OSS and some areas of BSS; MasterCom is further planning to expand its wings to BI and SDN. The company also proposes to bring out solutions in SDN in upcoming years and is actively working on it. Moving ahead, MasterCom is looking for partners to expand its business in the Indian market as well as in South Africa, Middle East, Far East, US and Europe. The company is thus open for partnership with vendors, OEMs and system integrators in order to take MasterCom to a global level.