JDA Software: Delivering a Seamless Supply Chain, from Planning to Delivery

CIO Vendor In a holistically optimized warehouse environment driven by ever-changing, hyper connected omni-channel fulfillment needs, demand forecasts, product lifecycle, and disaggregation strategies can ensure appropriate levels of inventory optimize profitability of products. USA-based JDA Software is one such WMS provider offering its Warehouse Management (JDA WMS) as an integral product of its Intelligent Fulfillment (JDA IF) solution suite. JDA Software has been enabling companies to optimize their distribution networks for more than 35 years.

A great compelling opportunity for manufacturers, retailers and distributors, is that JDA's IF solution suite connects end-to-end upstream planning with downstream execution in the all encompassing holistic space of warehouse and labor management, transportation management, distributed order management, demand management, fulfillment, and flowcasting.

JDA WMS with its real-time responsiveness and robust functionality, helps client run their complex warehouse operations of yard and dock management, inbound/outbound processing production management(slotting, replenishment, interleaving, parcel manifesting, pallet and load building, appointment scheduling, dock door management, inventory management, appointment scheduling, reverse logistics / returns processing), and labor management while optimizing decisions and eliminating bottlenecks.

To ensure greatest return on supply chain investment, with smart configurations of complex operations, JDA WMS optimizes every move in the distribution center (DC). With role based mobility, prescriptive workflows and throughput operate as well oiled machines. It provides "control tower visibility" for each role, allowing users to simultaneously address the most pressing issues in real-time
resulting in maximum user productivity. With labor representing 50-75 percent of non-inventory costs in most distribution centers, JDA Warehouse Labor Management (JDA WLM) provides the most comprehensive task optimization technology with its workforce planning and scheduling and schedule optimization helping to transform the warehouse into a self-accountable, performance-focused culture.

JDA's IF solution suite connects end-to-end upstream planning with downstream execution in the all-encompassing holistic space of Warehouse and Labor Management

JDA WMS customer have achieved significant ROI "“ fulfillment cost reductions of 10-50 percent, inventory storage and handling cost reductions of 10- 35 percent, throughput increases of 10-40 percent, inventory visibility and accuracy near 100 percent, inventory reductions of 5-25 percent, credit reductions of 75-95 percent, dock-to-stock time reductions of 25- 50 percent, and receiving dwell time reductions of 25- 50 percent.

With new edge technologies changing the entire user experience, JDA envisions the next level to move beyond automation to autonomous warehouse management. With its scalable cloud platforms and seamless upgrade process, JDA WMS is taking world class execution to an entirely different height. It will create resiliency to more effectively deal with disruptions and order variability. With Configuration Manager, Role Based Dashboard and Persona Based Process Designs JDA is remodeling intuitive user experiences. With extensive and intelligent innovations on the list, JDA Software carries the potential introduction of a unified warehouse management commerce era within the horizons.