The rapid industrial growth of India has given rise to the demand for human resource, thus causing the number of corporate professionals in urban areas to increase exponentially. Commuting in India is unorganized and messy. It is in response to this demand that there exist several independent Fleet vendors who provide vehicles to companies (buses, cabs, etc.) for transport of the employees. There are over 5.5 million IT/ITES professionals in India and 2-3 k employees per campus in metro cities. The major issues are erratic public transport, women safety, peak hour frustration, road rage, no point to point connectivity, and long commute. A solution to this is Shared transportation, which has grown tremendously in recent years.
PITASYS addresses this issue through its specialized products such as Corporate Mobility, Fleet Mobility and Shared Mobility. PITASYS is a young Pune based Software Company, mainly focused on innovative products in the Logistic Security domain. It was founded in 2012 and is known for its innovative software automation products that offer Corporates, Fleet Owners, and Aggregators an Omnipresent and easily accessible way of optimizing transportation costs, while saving time and increasing the efficiency with convenience of their employees' travel experience. The major challenges faced by Vehicle Tracking Solution providers are to ensure safety and security of the traveller and de-risking the corporate from non-core activity such as Transport.
PITASYS is perfectly poised and completely committed to the safety and security of corporate world. They are pioneers in "DE-RISKING" and have the state of the art transport platform with various security controls such as Employee Multi Factor Verification options using RFID, PIN, Beacon, OTP, etc. The actionable intelligence capability on panic and emergency situation, crisis communication, operational challenge on On-Time Arrival and Departure and optimal route planning are addressed using automation platform. The Vehicle Tracking Solution leverages the latest technology to get various facets of Corporate Transportation like Tracking of Vehicle, ETA/STA and Employee verification without requiring the interference of the employee. VTS through its unique technology enables auto attendance, update of kilometers travelled, and to & fro points mapping, to ensure safety and security at the click of a button from anywhere, any time. The Optimization Software has the overarching layers of Safety Controls and Security Measures. It creates an atmosphere of transparency amongst all the stakeholders like employees, drivers, operators, and fleet owners to talk to single system and make things ease out with click of a button anytime, anywhere, which makes it uniquely popular.
PITASYS understands the essence of time as a corporate and provides users with accurate, data-driven and adaptive solutions. It is the only organization that offers a combined model of "Shared + Corporate" Mobility, encompassing over 12-15% of saving over and above normal costing that any corporates would envisage doing. They manage 64,000 employees on Shared Mobility with over 190 organization ushering into this Shared Mobility Vision and over 15,000 employees for Corporate Mobility. PITASYS is trying to expand its businesses to cover all IT/ ITES/BPO/KPO cities to help them with not only cost saving but also provide them with a robust platform of safety and security.