Trackerist: Enabling Business Growth with Personalized Freight Forwarding Solution

CIO Vendor As a growing economy, India needs a healthy and robust logistics, as it plays a crucial role in carrying out a trade efficiently. The freights and logistics space must keep up the pace with the rapid technology penetration in the country, inculcate new strategies to cut down operational costs and provide an efficient supply chain network to deliver product from one point to another. As various companies look forward to enhancing their digital technology capabilities: online booking, tracking of consignments, seamless customs clearance etc, they need a partner who can protect their data and offer innovative solutions which meet their requirements.

Propelling business growth and providing operational excellence with innovative, personalized, and user-friendly freight forwarding software solutions, Trackerist, headquartered in Bangalore, India, is a global cloud-based SaaS provider for the freight forwarders, and has been efficiently catering to businesses across continents - North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

"Our personalized user-friendly solution with world class technical support and cutting edge innovation keeps us one step ahead of our competitors. The uptime of our system was 99.99% in the past 2 years. We also offer flexible payment options to all our customers," says Vinoth Thiyagarajan, Founder & CEO, Trackerist.

Solving Complex Multi-stop Last Mile Deliveries and Pickups
Trackerist's state-of-the-art route optimization algorithm proficiently aids in solving complex multi-stop last mile deliveries and pickups in a resourceful manner. Not only does it aid in scheduling deliveries and pickups, but considerably reduces fuel costs as well. It also enables digital transformation of all paper-based tasks, such as, signature proof of
delivery, delivery receipt, invoice, customs clearance forms etc. through a reliable mobile application.

Delivering a Customized Website Service
With the rapid digital penetration in the process of buying and selling in recent years, the internet and ecommerce have completely altered the traditional process of buying/selling products and services. Befitting the scenario, Trackerist' customized website service provides the ability to accept online orders, track shipments, and chat live with prospective customers and can even modify any existing website and integrate these features onto it in no time.

Our personalized user-friendly solution with world-class technical support and cutting edge innovation keeps us one step ahead of our competitors

Optimum Utilization of Big Data
"Dependency on many moving parts that can create bottlenecks at any point in the supply chain, makes logistics a perfect use case for big data," highlights Vinoth. Big Data has revolutionized every space and so is the case with Logistics sector. Trackerist logistics inventory solutions efficiently make use of big data analytics to predict inventory levels to optimize routing, streamline factory functions, and give transparency to the entire supply chain.

"We are currently working on Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things (IoT) to increase efficiency in business operations and track the performance of individual vehicles within a fleet. We are not in a hurry to expand at break neck speed; a slow and steady growth can ensure a long term success," concludes Vinoth.