CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> December - 2015 issue

Global Software Solutions: Driving Digital Transformation through “Torus” - aPaaS approach


Cloud computing has changed both the application development landscape and the business environment. With the accessibility and scalability options available in the cloud, developers and business users don’t need to be tied to physical servers and data centers anymore. An application Platform as a Service (aPaaS) will positively impact how a business can achieve its productivity goals. Gartner recently published their first Magic Quadrant (MQ) for aPaaS with their focuses on public cloud enterprise aPaaS offerings. It’s interesting to see how quickly the aPaaS market has evolved in a period of less than 9 months since quite a few Platform as a Service (PaaS) vendors whose primary focus in 2013 was solely providing Platform Services are now positioning and evolving their services to address the aPaaS space. The PaaS vendors clearly see that the growth opportunity is to move into the application space and they need to innovate quickly to become market leaders. Tapping into this emerging space, Global Software Solutions

(GSS), headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India enables enterprises to seize the opportunities of the application economy. From concept to development, deployment and management, GSS is working with enterprises, globally, to bridge the gap between IT and Business.
GSS realized a poignant problem while confronting enterprise conversation that a lot of enterprises are not organized for software agility. Developers have to navigate through a maze of IT gates and complexity in order to deploy or reiterate software. Enterprises are leveraging software for competitive advantage to outperform their peers on profitability. They are moving from silos driven approach to a single platform. The shift to digital requires a comprehensive overhaul of their underlying technology.The single most powerful gift is to enable the developer with a fast and flexible aPaaS.

There is a rapid rise in the Application Development Platform providers who follow a model driven approach but are limited in the scope, even though model driven is easier than standard development. Whereas on the flip side, there are solution providers who provide an eased out environment to the developers of the Customers by providing tool kits and all the essentials needed with multiple development environment options. But the end customer’s developer’s end up developing applications with a standard approach in the standard time frame involved. Torus, previously known as Veracious OASIS, combines the positive side of both and provides model driven application development tools, based on the third platform technology stack, with which even a Power user from the customer’s side can build applications, by all means in a time less than a fortnight. To add to this, in traditional and standard model driven approaches, limitations in scalability and deployment owing to the technology chosen and architecture used is common. GSS followed the most important trends in the market and took a detailed step in planning Torus aPaaS, hence identifying two most important disruptions. Agility and rapid software development were affecting the way enterprises delivered application and scale out. Torus provides intense technological transformation enabled by DevOps, Docker and Agile methodologies in the front to drive application workloads in production more securely. The platform emancipates software complexity by allowing developers to build agile applications leveraging componentized and orchestrated workflows with the flexibility of custom code integration. “We have identified these problems and adopted the best of third platform technology to provide powerful enterprise grade applications sans limitations on the scalability or functionality. That’s how we are positioning ourselves in the market,” quotes Sekar Ponniah, Managing Director.

Customer engagements and observations corroborate the necessity for enterprises to deliver software at internet scale. The Torus next generation cloud agnostic platform enables enterprises to produce new innovation to market faster than ever, empowering agile development teams to rapidly build, update and scale applications on cloud & on- premise infrastructures.

In a model drive development approach adopting custom code to perform individual functionalities and their integration with third party systems becomes complex. However in Torus RAD platform Custom Code Integration is the differentiating factor. Torus aPaaS, not only provides integration of custom code (individual logical source code units and third party systems) , but also custom code generation across an array of high level languages like Java, C# for the server end and advanced UI technology like Angular JS, Angular Material Java Script, HTML 5 and CSS3 etc. for the front end. This ability removes limitations of any type, in terms of the type of applications that can be built.

With accolades from CeBIT, Bangalore &Technoviti; GSS is pacing up to become the world leader in “Digital Transformation” by catering third platform technologies and bringing in people, process and content in a single application environment with extensive omni-channel deployment and analytics capabilities-everything-through their Torus aPaaS approach.

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