CIOTechOutlook >> Magazine >> December - 2015 issue

Remodel Healthcare IT with SMAC


Headquartered in Faridabad, AIMS is a Super specialty tertiary care hospital that provides preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, palliative and support services.

I feel that without SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud), the world will have fewer technologies. Today, SMAC is a necessity of Healthcare IT. Talking about the Healthcare Industry, mobility plays very crucial role, a single bad experience changes the patient view about the particular service or consultant and he can share his feedback in social channel. It is important that a Hospital listen to it's patient. We are also going to implement Cloud Telephony, Cloud MRD, Cloud Tele Radiology but the Healthcare IT is still facing some of the issue for implementing the things over Cloud, there are so many issues from GoI.

As a part of our digital strategy we are going to implement and integrate the vital signs measurement smart devices from third party vendor into our applications. Thus the care provider need not do any manual entries.

Big Data Analytics in Healthcare IT
When we talk about Big Data, we're not just talking about volumes, we're talking about type of data. That's one of the biggest challenges of making senses of the data, seeing how it's stored and bringing it all together.

However, preparing data to be integrated is a huge challenge for Healthcare Organization undertaking data warehousing and the goals for Data Analysis cost to move which means it's easy to get left behind.

Challenges in Healthcare IT
There are so many challenges in Healthcare IT for implementing the new technology over the hospital, every consultant has their own opinion and nobody wants to use the new technology in Healthcare IT. People think these things are time consuming and affect our workflow or productivity.

CIO's are facing huge challenge for implementing the new technology over the Healthcare IT. Wearable device and remote patient monitoring and e-hospital concept we are going to implement and will also consider the paper less hospital.

We are in the phase of implementing high end technology in Healthcare IT for our unit, i.e EMR, Bio Patch, Wearable Devices, Tele Radiology, Tele Medicine, e ICU, Presidential Suite Automation, Remote Patient Monitoring, e Aspirin & Cloud Technology for huge PACS Data.

Biggest Challenge?
Everything we try and implement is a challenge. But the biggest challenge i had, was getting the Paperless e Hospital Concept, Tele Radiology VNA Testing, Intelligent Diagnosis Analysis & Drug Analyser.
New Technology we are going to implement as below:
• Paper Less e-Hospital (HIS / EMR)
• Cerner System For Pharmacy
• Tele Radiology (VNA) For Huge PACS Data Archival
& Retrieval
• Tele Medicines Van in Remote Areas
• One Emergency Number Over the India
• Wearable Devices For Fighting with Heart Attack &
Other Major Diseases
• Google Glass
• E Aspirin
• Big Data

CXO Insights

Autonomous Strategic Behavior

By Suresh .V. Menon – Principal Consultant on Six Sigma and Strategic Management.

Effective Approach to Attain Desired Automation

By Anand Sahay, CEO, Xebia Group

The New Age E-Commerce - Omni Channel Retail

By Dr. Anil Chinnabhandar, SVP- SCM, Landmark Group
