| | April 20218griculture is the age-old occupation of India. It is a primary source of income for about 60% of Indians. India is an agrarian economy, and hence, it is also a large contributor (16%) to the Gross Domestic Product of our country. Not just the Agrarian workforce, multiple other industries like retail, chemicals, e-commerce, widely rely on the output from the Agricultural Sector.It is believed that India's farm income will be almost double by 2022. The agriculture sector has witnessed exponential growth in the last five years and is expected to be a profitable investment in the future. More and more multinational companies are investing in agricultural infrastructures such as cold storage, irrigation facilities and warehousing.Various factors throughout the value chain inhibit the growth of the Agricultural Sector, and that plays a negative impact on individual Farmer Incomes. Agriculture as an occupation has a great demand in India, being the primary source of income for a majority of the Indian workforce. Since the lion's share of India's farm holdings (approximately 86%) are owned by small and marginal farmers, considering solutions to challenges must involve their needs as well.The recent policy reform announcements highlighted the removal of stock limits, relaxation of selling products across the country, and formalizing the process of contract farming. These reforms are aimed at an increase in capital shelled out by private corporates hence enabling the achievement of the Government's aim at doubling farmers' income by 2022. In lieu of these changes, the essential adoption of technology-driven digital platforms, analytics, machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT solutions are underway.With the introduction of global companies as investors, the agriculture sector has witnessed a technological boom, the use of artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, satellite imagery, computer vision, drones, advanced sensors, automation, and so many aspects that were unseen in previous decades. These high-tech aspects interspersed with regular agricultural activities may not be THE INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY WITH FARMING PROCESSES, A BLESSING TO AGRIBUSINESSESBy Sanjay Borkar, CEO & Co-Founder, FarmerpWith specializations in design, IT deployment, Smart Agriculture, IOT and Mobility solutions for agriculture, he is leading the industry and is a change-maker for Agriculture, Biotechnology and Food industry.AIN MY OPINION
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