| | JANUARY 20254VOL 11 · ISSUE 2 - 1 · JANUARY, 2025 PublisherOffice Editorial queries editor@ciotechoutlook.com To subscribeVisit www.ciotechoutlook.com/magazine/or send email to: subscription@ciotechoutlook.comMagazine Price is 150 per issuePrabhu Dutta A.R.N RayAlok ChaturvediManager DesignMagendran PerumalCirculation ManagerEditorial TeamNo. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugheshpalya, Bangalore-560017Surbhi SumanManaging EditorSudhakar SinghVisualizerAdvertising queriessales@ciotechoutlook.comBangaloreTel 080 46441103Gm Sales & MarketingRavi KalgiPrinted and published by Alok Chaturvedi on Behalf of Biz Print Media Technologies Pvt Ltd and Printed at Executive Prints - 113/7, Ground floor, Old madras road, Halasuru, Bangalore - 560008 and Published at No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017.Copyright © 2025 Biz Print Media Technologies Pvt Ltd, All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher.Roshan AktharViswanathan ALakshmi PrabhaNoidaTel 120 4639300EDITORIALAGTECH SOLUTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Agritech startups in India are thriving right now and their success is reshaping Indian agriculture. The Digital India initiative from the government and expanding internet availability is encouraging farmers to use technology and get better information through smartphones. Farmers are using their smartphones to access mobile apps that provide weather updates and other farm data plus detailed market prices and expert advice. Business investors are investing into startup companies to develop and expand their operations. Modern technology including AI, machine learning, IoT, and blockchain are helping farmers run precise operations and handle supply chain better.A growing number of agritech startups are emerging to serve different parts of the agricultural process. E-commerce systems are bringing farmers together directly with buyers to cut out middlemen and let farmers sell their produce at better prices. Startups are helping farmers get their hands on high-quality seeds and farm supplies which reach them quickly and increase their harvest results. New farming technology tools like drones and sensors are helping farmers use resources smarter while watching crop health and knowing crop numbers ahead. Fintech services are helping farmers get loans and insurance which protects their money and makes farming more profitable. By supporting Digital India and Startup India, the Indian government is helping build the agritech ecosystem through funds and schemes. These programs work to establish connections while boosting startups and developing farming facilities after harvest.In this special issue, CIOTechOutlook brings to you the stories of AgTech startups that have made their mark in this domain with their technology acumen and industry expertise. These companies have kept abreast of the new technological advancements in their sector and have leveraged them to their full potential. We hope this issue gives you helpful insights into this market landscape. Sudhakar SinghManaging Editorsudhakar@ciotechoutlook.com
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