| | June 20208IN MY OPINIONlthough the future effects of machine learning for digital marketers are not yet fully foreseeable, they are already having an impact on the digital marketing landscape. Machine Learning Tools are able to analyse extremely large amounts of data and provide understandable analysis or results that marketing teams can use to their advantage. Companies that already use ML tools have more time to focus on other areas and use the knowledge gained to their advantage. The way ML is used in digital marketing practices helps to broad-en the understanding of their target consumers and to foster and enhance the interaction with them.In 2017, IDC Future Scapes es-timated that 75 percent of the devel-opment teams used some types of AI features in at least one service or ap-plication. In addition, according to Gartner, by 2020, 85 percent of cus-tomer interactions will be conducted without human intervention.ARegardless the expectations of the experts, ML tools are not meant to take over the role of digital mar-keters, but are primarily used to improve digital marketing strate-gies and significantly facilitate the work of digital marketers. By using ML, you can optimize your digital strategy and prepare for an AI and ML-dependent future.Machine learning in digital marketingML is already being implemented in digital marketing departments around the world. Implications include using data, content, and online channels to increase productivity and better un-derstand the target audience.But how exactly are ML tools used today in digital marketing strategies?The experts at Smart Insights have put together a few examples of how machine learning can feed into your digital strategy:Content marketingIn recent years, digital market-ers, bloggers, and businesses of all sizes have begun to create content of all kinds to appeal to their audi-ences. Whether informative blog posts, customer testimonial videos or recorded webinars content is everywhere online.Link BuildingLink building defines the three most important things that make content really effective:Target group relevance 58 percentEngaging and Captivating Storytell-ing 57 percentThe ability to trigger an action or an-swer 54 percentML tools can make a valuable con-tribution to helping digital marketers better understand and understand this data. By tracking consumer trends and generating actionable insights, ML tools can streamline your tasks to drive more leads with your content.THE IMPORTANCE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN YOUR DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY By Dr. Sayed Peerzade, Group Chief Information Officer, Reliance Entertainment Group
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