| |July 20198MACHINE CAN LEARN AND ACT ON ITS OWNBy Ajay Jha, IT Professional from reputed Telecom Industryachine learning is an appli-cation of artificial intelli-gence that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from ex-perience without being ex-plicitly programmed. It focuses on the develop-ment of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.Over the years, it has made possible, the con-cept of self-driving cars, effective web search, spam free emails, practical speech recognition software, personalized marketing and so on. To-day, it is increasingly being deployed in credit card purchase fraud detection, personalized ad-vertising though pattern identification, personal-ized shopping/entertainment recommendations, determine cab arrival times and finding routes on maps. Siri a built-in `intelligent assistant' is a perfect example, it enables users of Apple iOS devices to speak natural language voice com-mands in order to operate the mobile device and its apps.The growth of machine learning is driv-ing business and revenues to new heights. The prospect of startups and business establishments adopting this technology is equally promising. Machine Learning is about making decision based on trial and error and is a more applica-tion oriented version of statistics.Mathematically, tons of data are analyzed to come up with a rule for classification. It's evident that people swindle their lives by smoking. To-day, most of us have decided to stop smoking as it's injurious to health. Similarly, while throwing darts at a target if missed, you move your aim and change the force till you hit the bulls eye.M IN MY OPINIONAn Alumni of IIM Kozhikode and Life Member of Leaders Excellence-Harvard Square Ajay has over 22 years of experience in managing and leading technical, operational and product delivery initiatives for large organizations. Ajay has immense domain knowledge and expertise in information technology and telecommunications domain. Ajay Jha
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