| |August 201919verhyped by few and drastically un-derestimated by many, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have already paved their way into ma-jor verticals like gaming, real estate, retail and automotive industries with technology advancing rapidly. VR, a broad term for a multi-sensory computer-generated experience, allows users to experience and interact with a simulated environment. AR, on the other hand, seeks to immerse the user in a completely virtual environment and enhances the real world using digitally produced perceptual overlays. AR and VR are inverse reflections of one in another ­both the technol-ogy seeks to accomplish and deliver for the user.Games like Harry Porter: Wizards Unite debuting at #1, Pokémon Go with 7.5 million, etc. shows the insane popularity of new technologies amongst the users/customers. Hailed as digital twins, both AR & VR have been making impacts on the way we live and work for achieving business objectives. These digi-tal platforms are also revolutionizing how businesses communicate, collaborate, approach their audience and deliver services.Here are the top key trends you can expect to see in 2019 -· AI Enabled enhanced AR & VR ­ Artificial Intel-ligence (AI) has been around for a while now and is closely linked to Machine Learning. By leveraging CXO INSIGHTSOBy Vikas Bhonsle, CEO, Crayon Software ExpertsAR AND VR TECHNOLOGY: TRENDS TO WATCH OUT FOR IN 2019 Vikas Bhonsle
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