| | August 20198ugmented Reality (AR) and Vir-tual Reality (VR) technologies traditionally synonymous with gaming and specialised training are increasingly gaining ground in enterprises. Having reached a tipping point where quality of experience and performance converge with affordability, more and more enterprises are integrating AR/VR into their workflows to come up with mission-critical applications. Going forward, the AR/VR market looks promising. Propelled by high chip speeds, tech-nology improvements, and integration with 5G, Goldman Sachs predicts the combined AR/VR market to touch $80 billion by 2025. The German statistics portal, Statista, is even more optimistic, pegging the market at $209 billion by 2022. While the most evident use cases for AR/VR seem to be in healthcare, entertainment, retail, real estate, education, defence and engineering, enterprise across verticals should be leveraging the technology across their entire customer en-gagement lifecycle. The advantages of doing so range from efficacious marketing campaigns, ef-fective brand positioning, fewer product returns, and even an increase in the top line. Organisa-tions deploying AR/VR have proven significant business benefits. Advantage AR/VRDreamWorks, the American entertainment com-pany, is fast expanding its digital business. Going IN MY OPINIONABy Parag Amalnerkar, Director of Marketing, NetApp India & SAARCENTERPRISES DRIVEN BY DATA TO REAP RICH DIVIDENDS FROM AR/VRParag Amalnerkar
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