| | July 20188CIOReviewWHAT DO WE MEAN BY AUGMENTED REALITYBy Rajiv Sharaf, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Reliance Energyeople are excited about this new tech-nology and the realms opened up by Augmented Reality. If `augmented' is to mean anything increased or made better, then augmented reality (AR) can be understood as a form of virtual reality where the real world is expanded or enhanced in some way through the use of virtual elements.AR can work in several different ways and is used for many different reasons, but in most cases, AR in-volves a scenario where virtual objects are overlaid and tracked atop real, physical objects to create the illusion that they're in the same space.How AR would be helpful in Utilities & Service Safety, compliance, avoiding catastrophic failures, and knowledge transfer are the most important aspects of working in the utility industry. Utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) in the utility sector helps make ground engineers work safer, by embedding safety warnings, cautions, and other safety information into an applica-tion they can train on or take to the field for mainte-nance. The AR based safety app can require the worker to acknowledge that she or he has read safety warnings or other information before proceeding with a mainte-nance or training procedure. Compliance requirements P IN MY OPINIONReliance Energy has been in the field of power distribution for over 83 years and has achieved the distinction of consistently operating its distribution network at 99.98 per cent reliability. It is one of the first utilities in India to have SCADA technology which enables the system to deliver a seamless integrated platform with Geographical Information System (GIS) for providing customers with enhanced and superior service standards.Rajiv Sharaf
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