| |November 20177CIOReviewLAST WORDCXO INSIGHTSAdopt Blockchain Technologyfor Competitive AdvantagerGB SHAIK, AVP- SOC at CtrlS Datacenters LtdLeveraging Blockchain technology for decentralized cloud storage could be a new norm why should corporates give this new approach a serious thought?Nitin Narkhede, VP & Head - Service Innovation & Blockchain, MphasisBlockchain A Transformative technology or a Disruptive force?Sarita Prasanna, VP Technology Strategy, Wells FargoMarketing in the Moments That Matter MostJonathan Care, Research Director, Gartner20212638BELFRICSSecurely Moving Crypto Assets with Futuristic KYC Based BlockchainCOVER STORYPAGE 10Praveen Kumar, Founder & CEO
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