| |September 20169CIOReviewof the industry that will unshackle it from commoditization pressures and enable focus on innovation and differ-entiation to create business value.Two Necessary Paradigm Shifts To achieve the nirvana state, the industry needs to make two broad paradigm shifts to reimagine BPM.The first has to do with reshaping client experiences. Service providers need to prep their clients to expect more. They need to be more and do more with less. This change can come only by moving from operational metrics (turn-around-time, SLA adherence) to metrics that tie in with business outcomes and end-customer experience. The industry needs to radically move away from a vendor mindset to a more confident partner mindset by realigning governance models to enable co-creation. The second paradigm shift will come about through igniting the minds of employees. A revolution will occur when employees are encour-aged to be innovative and inquisitive by trying out new ideas, eliminating mundane work where possible, and building deep domain capability and expertise. Organizations must ener-gize employees to creatively visual-ize underlying trends and patterns by providing working knowledge of key tools. Organizations must invest in training to develop domain and behavioral leadership which will cre-ate assertiveness and consulting skills. The new BPM employee will move from being an order taker following standard operating procedures, to an assertive consultant who can rede-sign processes for the future.The Reimagined BPM Powered by `Human-ware' Service providers that move with speed and agility to make the above paradigm shifts will clearly be the winners who move confidently into the glorious new nirvana age of BPM. They will be able to shake off two specters that haunt the industry -commoditization and people at-trition. Commoditization and the resulting price pressures will be a thing of the past when providers work on building great partnerships by delivering amplified business value for clients. Creating a signifi-cant employee value proposition for the new BPM workforce will help decrease attrition, through the vir-tuous cycle of continuous learning, career development, longer tenures, and higher compensations. These changes in industry mindset will lead to the creation of `human-ware'. The next gen-eration of BPM will not be about people and/or software, but about human-ware that melds the best of people with the best of technol-ogy- with great potential for self-service, eliminating mundane work, amplifying human intelligence, visualizing value, and creating a human revolution.Stepping across the ThresholdAs BPM today stands at a significant threshold, there are great opportu-nities that lie ahead. All its leaders must strive to take the industry for-ward into the next phase of growth by continually reimagining possibil-ities with clients and with employ-ees. This will set the stage for the next wave of accelerated business value, profitability, and growth the nirvana age for BPM. The next generation of BPM will not be about people and/or software, but about human-ware that melds the best of people with the best of technology- with great potential for self-service, eliminating mundane work, amplifying human intelligence, visualizing value, and creating a human revolution
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