| |May 201819CIOReviewCUSTOMER CENTRICITY BY DESIGN: ENGINEERING THE NEXT-GENERATION BACK OFFICEhe best back office technology is invis-ible to customers,- but getting your back office system to deliver that kind of seamless functionality requires a CIO to take a closer look at core archi-tectural decisions. Creating an elegant customer experience starts with plac-ing the customer at the center of your design and development processes. Back office systems are sticky. Built and evolved over years, if not decades, and home to essential func-tions and data, enterprises often find it easier to iterate and bolt onto existing systems than to tear things down and start afresh. This process of iteration can ac-complish quite a lot. We have dra-matically streamlined and redesigned the user experience for our care pro-fessionals, providing clearer, more ac-tionable data in a simpler more intui-tive format. We've seen and measured how our efforts have led to better, faster resolution of issues and a better customer experience. We've also invested in an enter-prise-wide resiliency program that has already reduced IT incidents by 55 percent and led to an 80 percent re-duction in time-to-repair. As we con-tinue to expand that program to more systems, we see measurable improve-ments in performance and reliability. Those are important steps, and ones that work within the context of a traditional back office environ-ment, but to achieve the full perfor-mance and functionality, we need to serve our customers. We knew we had to go a step further. Today, we are engaged in an enterprise-wide ef-fort to re-architect our back office from the ground up, and that process began with a laser focus on the back TCIO INSIGHTSBy Scott Alcott, CIO, Comcast Cable [NASDAQ: CMCSA]
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