| | July 20198oday, digital is om-nipresent and it is changing the way businesses are inter-acting and engaging with customers. It is redefining Business Strategies in terms of exploring innovative busi-ness models and at the same time cre-ating new and unique revenue mod-els that will lead to unprecedented growth. Digital Transformation and Innovation is providing a paradigm shift which is helping organizations especially Financial Services to launch innovative products and services in order to accelerate their growth and provide an edge over direct and indi-rect competitors.With the advent of digital era, there was increasing pressure on Financial Services to persistently innovate and implement plethora of digital initia-tives which will improve the custom-er experience and steer the business to increase in revenue. Capital Mar-kets, Banks, Regulatory Bodies and Investors have taken multiple precau-tionary steps to ensure they prevent another global financial recession and also history is not repeated. They are also ensuring that industry giants stay competitive in the age of tech-nology-driven Financial Technology Services organizations also known as FinTechs.FinTechs and large Capital Mar-ket organizations are focusing on In-telligent Solutions in order to provide better operational efficiency and cost optimization. Intelligent solutions like Artificial Intelligence (AI) includ-ing Machine Learning, Deep Learn-ing and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are enabling businesses to achieve efficiency in manual, old and taxing processes related to trading and other activities. An interesting way to innovate for Capital Markets would be to identify what customers are demanding and expecting which could be gathered from multiple data points and leveraging this informa-tion to derive deep customer insights. These customer insights will enable organizations to create actionable strategies and come up with lucrative products and services consequently leading to fulfilling their require-ments and increasing customer satis-faction. Also, Capital Market organi-zations generate tremendous amount of data, it is imperative to have strin-gent information security policies and compliance to keep the confidential data secure.There are multiple technological trends in Capital Markets that are dis-rupting this industry. These are:1. Smart/Intelligent Automation: Financial Services companies are tak-ing intensive efforts to automate their trade-related operation that leads to inculcating Robotic Process Automa-tion (RPA) and Intelligent Automa-tion using software robots. Due to fierce competition, Businesses are IN MY OPINIONTBy Pankaj Purohit, Group CIO at Motilal Oswal Financial Services LtdTRENDS IN CAPITAL MARKETSPankaj Purohit
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