| |June 20189CIOReview2. Context engines - Positioning and localization systems:While GPS and outdoor positioning systems have been there for a long time now, the use case of it as the context is happening at this point in time. Context can be defined as the set of information which enables to identify the physical, behavioral or the relational aspects of an associ-ated target (in this case a person). Unlike GPS locations, which can be directly tracked on smart phones today, in-door positioning systems (IPS) need separate infrastruc-ture and techniques to identify positions in indoor spaces. Identifying this is very important since this information like the location of a person within a shopping mall or a hotel can be used to enable supporting services like in-door navigation and location information and it can also be used by the businesses to provide better promotions/recommendations, which the user has a higher probability to absorb and convert into a sale. Compared to today's case where most applications give way several notifica-tions at an unknown location and time frames, the context engines, for example, help to provide the most relevant advertisements at the right location and time. Context can further go on to include emotions, behaviors, seasons, weather conditions, local regional information and so on. 3. Actionable insights through analytics:Big data and data analytics started off as a buzzword but has more or less become a norm of the day. The huge amount of data now has means to be decoded but the analytics part will be of limited use if it cannot lead to automatic actions in real-time. As an example, Under-standing trends in sales and providing real-time ordering/movement from warehouse to store can be a huge benefit to the store manager. Likewise, for a consumer, let's say who normally buys dark chocolates, it would be very in-teresting to know when he/she is in the store about any offers on dark chocolates or information about the new chocolates in the store and probable information about it, could be helpful in making a decision. Gradually but surely mobile devices are becoming a digital avatar of the person with or without his/her knowl-edge. It is the one device which a person uses irrespective of where he/she is and most probably the first and the last activity of the day! It is not surely far away when your voice-enabled digital avatar is enabling you with a better experience wherever you are. The new digital age brings forth an entirely different set of possibilities for the consumer-facing businesses like retail, hospitality, and travel
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