| |October 201719CIOReview CIO INSIGHTSBy Chandran R, CIO, Bahwan CyberTekBahwan CyberTek (BCT) Group was founded in 1999 and is today, a 2800-strong, 242+ Million USD multi-national company. BCT has delivered IT Products and Solutions in over 20 countries across 4 continents. BCT is a recognized thought leader and innovative solutions partner for global Fortune 500 organizations and has delivered transformational solutions across Logistics, Predictive Analytics, Payments & Citizen services & Education as well as Oracle Platinum Partner .ERP ImplementationsERP implementations are approached with a fanfare by each and every organisation in the world whether they are ready for it or not. It is touted that if you implement ERP, all organisations' existing problems in operations will be resolved. It is a yes and no.ERP is an application system designed to cover the entire aspects of the organisation end to end. It is truly a system which can help you remedy most of the ill-fitting manual processes that have been established. With a manual system, the information is in the hands of few and there is no control. In a manufacturing organisation, typically the information on WIP, finance availability, inventory of parts or manpower resources is essential to be available at the right time for you to take necessary actions.More that 70 percent of ERP implementations have failed or have not met the expectations of what is needed? This is because requirements are not defined properly. The people do not follow the standard processes available in the application. They want their manual processes to be replicated in the system. Even after the requirements are frozen and configurations finalized, the changes are brought in at the testing stage. The sign offs are not given if the changes are not made by the consultants. The telling aspects are that the testing is not comprehensive , people are afraid that all their information is out in the open etc. When the system goes live, it is found that the application is not what it should be. It is the case all over the world. As a panacea to this, ERP vendors brought in Industry wise solutions that can be implemented in 3 months. This brought better discipline in implementations and more implementation became a success.The ERP implementations fail because there is no proper top management involvement. Since it is a software, it is considered once again as an IT system. ERP implementations have a pre-defined process of stages and the consultant comes up with a time frame for each. This is where the problem starts. First of all, a full time core team (functional) is ERP Buzzword or Panacea
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