| | October 20198CXO INSIGHTSCIO INSIGHTSVoIP Phone System Brings Exquisite Communications Makeover to MANA ProductsUnderstanding Network SecurityIndian Enterprises Investing enough on AI?George Alexandrou, VP & CIO, Mana ProductsJai Thomas, Head - IT Infra & Operations at DailyHuntDr. Rishi Bhatnagar,President - Aeris Communications India Pvt. LtdChairman IET- IoT Panel, India103922IN MY OPINIONEndpoint security then and now : How modern solutions are adding to its effectivenessThe internet... and beyond: Making sure your content doesn't get jammed on the moveMike Holcomb, Director of Information Security, Fluor CorporationRakesh Kharwal, Managing Director- India/South Asia & ASEAN, CyberbitAshwin Rao, Director, Limelight Networks, India271633Sagar SuryawanshiDirectorC O N T R I BU T O R SCOVER FEATUREPAGE 18INFRASTRUCTURESCA ITProviding Integrated IT Infrastructure ServicesCOMPANY SPOTLIGHT
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