| | December 20218COVID-19 IMPACTS MSMES' DIGITIZATION IN INDIABy Tabrez Ahmed, Group Director - Government Affairs & Public Policy, Dell Technologies IN MY OPINIONCovid-19 & Digital TechnologiesMicro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of Indian Economy. Being small in size, they are highly impacted by Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is critical to see how they performed and if Digital Technology (DT) helped these enterprises as it helped large enterprises. The whole ecosystem in manufacturing sector tuned to digital technology during the Covid-19. The obvious benefits are money like management of remote transactions, efficiency in supply chain, improved access to financial services and better engagement with potential & present customers. DT gradually killed the concept of distance and resulted in the death of distance, with Covid-19 we entered in to the phase of promoting the digitalization. To keep pace with Ecosystem, it is desirable to have digital adaptation by MSMEs.Challenges of Digital Transformation Among MSMEsHowever, among MSMEs, DT can solve distance related issues and can improve operation efficiency with some risk like data privacy, digital fraud, misinformation, differentiated market powers and infrastructure issues.
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