| | NOVEMBER 20219Digital Transition is about business transformation, which encompasses every facet of the organization including culture, the way you engage with customers, transforming the way you manage data and turn it into intelligencethe company on the whole because they're working at a project level, so they only demonstrate ROI project by project rather than see a cumulative effect. The digitally distraught are either running digital as an impromptu effort; running multiple digital strategies initiated by the line of business or operating with a short-term per-spective. Hence, these organizations become distraught. Without unified efforts or high expectations of short-term ROI, it is very difficult to bring about a major transformation.Digital Transition For Business ProgressToday, the onus of taking technology decisions does not fall on CIOs only. True transformation will start when all organizational functions like HR, Marketing, Sales, Finance, etc., come together and to become the core of the business instead of operating in a silo. That requires organizations to operate on connected data that is secure and one that is driven by connected intelligence. Con-nected data means all business functions are operating as one, eliminating siloed operations and connected in-telligence means business functions being able to influ-ence decision making and empowering adjacent business functions. For example, excess liquidity in finance trig-gering early payment discounting in procurements func-tion, another example being productivity improvement measures in human resources coming by operating ex-pense guidelines from finance. More connected the vari-ous functions are, the better they are with the seamless flow of data resulting in better business decision making for growth and resource optimization for enterprises. Bearing in mind, on this eighth continent transforma-tion is one constant game ­ with emerging technologies drives extreme automation and intelligence that elimi-nate redundancies. Getting on with transformation isn't a nice-to-have; it's a must-do. Companies with the right leadership and data-driven vision will seize the oppor-tunities offered by cloud computing to grow and thrive on the eighth continent-- start now before it's too late. Digital Transition is about business transformation, which encompasses every facet of the organization in-cluding culture, the way you engage with customers, transforming the way you manage data and turn it into intelligence, transforming your operating model, and transforming the way you work with employees and the way work gets done. Digitally determined organizations have one integrated strategy, where all the digital in-novations across various functions or business lines of the organization are in place. These organizations adopt digital transformation as their sole business strategy for growth. To keep on bolting on new digital tools to thrive in this digitally occupied age is a depletion of resources and finance, without any clear benefit. Instead, the or-ganizations need to put all their digital connections and platforms at the heart of their enterprise to develop new ways of working, drive innovation and maximize value in every interaction.
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