| |June 20209communications, the platform will soon emerge as the single-most in-tegrated platform combining the features of document management, workflows, task scheduler and pro-ject management.Repository for Digital Assets: Digital Assets are various digital ob-jects such as photos, video, music and similar digital entity which are being generated by organizations and randomly stored across various electronic devices. A DMS, today, can be made to store these digital as-sets in a central repository making it easier to locate, share, use and most importantly be assured that such files not lost in any storage device be it a hard-drive, mobile or a laptop. If we extend the definition of digital assets to include the various documents in the form of whitepapers, journals and or proposals generated over the years by an organisation and if these digital assets can be stored in a cen-tral repository, searched, referred to, and shared then we get to see how much more sense good DMS is making!Cloud-based Scalable Tool: DMS, from being based on a two-tier client-server architecture, has emerged as a cloud based tool. Cloud services is the way-to-go for most of the applications. Now, the advantages of cloud are applicable on the DMS tool as well with the feature of anywhere-anytime avail-ability. Being a cloud based applica-tion, DMS, which by its nature of functionality is storage dependent, can be made scalable. The cloud eco-nomics will make cloud based DMS a very popular choice.Mobility: If we talk about a cloud-based DMS, then mobility cannot be far behind. With mobile applications being one of the emerging trends for enterprise applications, DMS cannot be ignored. For a sustainable and scalable model, it is important that the DMS must support mobility and provide the same features as a web-application. With the mobile-first approach being adopted by most of the organisations, it is impor-tant that DMS should follow suit. In mobile, it is widely being used for workflow management and col-laboration. DMS is a storage heavy application and it therefore, neces-sitates that it should be built to sup-port the hand-held devices ensuring optimization of images, sizes and data-flow on the go. With this need, we can look forward to the launch of some robust DMS applications sup-porting mobility.Social & Messaging Tools: Communicating over emails is fast becoming a thing of the past. Re-ally! Communicating over mobile based messaging systems is being adopted by individuals even for professional communication. Many of such tools have developed en-terprise versions for added layers of security. Sharing a document, which can be in any form, is very common. DMS is fast integrating such communication channels to al-low a person to attach documents to a messaging application or to any social media platforms.Security: DMS applications are focussing on adding appropriate layers of security to avoid unauthor-ized access. One can define teams, groups, private, public and so on. Access and sharing can be restricted by design. Flexibility of any platform comes with the need to have a ro-bust access control mechanism and application security. When select-ing an application, it is important to understand its security features with respect to its information exchange with the cloud server, mobile phones and the various social and messaging applications.To conclude, we can say that the Document Management System is no more just about managing documents! Look at it as a warehouse for your non-structured data. You can apply DMS for workflows, collaborative working, sharing of information, repository for digital assets, storage for intellectual property documents, storage for various write-ups and proposals, soft-copies of wet-signed documents, archives of electronic communication channels and so on. The use-cases are numerous and hence DMS is fast emerging as one of the most-required applications. It is this application which starts your digital transformation journey and probably ends it as well. When selecting an application, it is important to understand its security features with respect to its information exchange with the cloud server, mobile phones and the various social and messaging applications
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