| |December 202119AbstractBlockchain has received tremendous hype over the past few years, and the trend continues. New use cases get generated, new investments are poured in, and new Blockchain platforms are built on a fairly regular basis. However, many of these initiatives are at early stages of development, mere proof-of-concepts, or even failed exercises. Enterprises are still far off from adopting Blockchain at a scale at which they have adopted (or are adopting) other path-breaking technologies like Cloud, Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning.BackgroundBlockchain, or the broader Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), is often considered to be the building blocks of `internet of value'. This path-breaking technology, along with Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Internet of Things, are virtually ruling the global discourse on technological innovation today. There is immense hype around blockchain, some of which may even be difficult to justify. VC Investments are pouring into blockchain (and allied) startups almost exponentially. For example, a TechCrunch report in May 2018 claimed that the VC funding for Blockchain in less than the first five months of 2018 had surpassed the entire VC funding for 2017. Additionally, a large number of corporates, particularly from the Banking & Financial Services, and Healthcare sectors, are investing heavily in Blockchain projects.The Enterprise Applications space has witnessed massive disruption over the past 8-10 years, primarily on account of two reasons: (a) transition from On Premise to Cloud, and (b) adoption of Big Data Processing. A third disruption is on its way, and that will be driven by the enablement of blockchain capabilities within enterprise applications. However, despite the tremendous benefits that this disruption is likely to bring, it has not received much attention from blockchain developers, corporates and the general public. This article is intended to highlight some of those use cases and benefits.Enhancing Enterprise Applications with BlockchainThe biggest advantage of blockchain is that it allows for distributed data storage and rules-based processing; but this data cannot be copied or modified, only appended. Incorporating blockchain capabilities into enterprise applications enhance both the scope and the value of these applications. Let us explore the same with four major enterprise applications ­ ERP, SCM, CRM and HCM.By Tamal Chowdhury, Sr. VP - Artificial Intelligence, Course5iINCORPORATING BLOCKCHAIN CAPABILITIES INTO ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONSCXO INSIGHTS
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