| |March 20198CIOReviewn the last 4-5 years, we have seen many large brands adopting e-Commerce as a sales channel of choice in India. The contribution of e-Com-merce through own website & market-places to overall revenue has already touched double digits in categories like consumer electronics, while it is fast increasing in categories such as fashion, large appli-ances and kitchenware. Apart from e-Commerce market-places' help in marketing & promotion, the prominent reasons for the rapid adoptions are:· Exponential distribution reach without having to go through the process of signing up wholesalers/distribu-tors/franchisees· Convenience of market-places managing courier & logistics· Availability of detailed analytics related to customer preferences, buying behavior, drop-offs, etc.· Ability to rapidly liquidate old stocks · High control over the quality of catalog & merchan-disingWhile rapid adoption of e-Commerce has been a huge boon for the brands, it has also added a lot of stress on the enterprise IT systems. For most brands, IT sys-tems are geared towards an offline sales model where the inventory flows through the whole distribution net-work before selling to the customer. Consequently most IIN MY OPINIONREADINESS OF ENTERPRISE IT FOR E-COMMERCEBy Krishnan Subramanian, Head IT- Digital Initiatives at a large branded fabric & fashion retailere-Commerce orders give a plethora of structured data that can be used to identify market trends & patterns
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