| | November 20218THE THREE DIMENSIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION By Arun Kumar Singh, SVP & Business Unit Head at Quinnoxhe fourth industrial revolution or the industry 4.0 has been compelling the enterprises to rethink, reimagine and reinvent themselves. Digital disruption is the cornerstone of Industry 4.0. It's most unique aspect is the pace that's never been seen before. This time around the customers of an enterprise, both internal and external are demand-ing much more, much faster with the bar being set by industry leaders like Apple, Google and Amazon. Fortu-nately, the design principles of the industry 4.0 like in-teroperability, information transparency, technical assis-tance and decentralized decisions remain relevant despite technology being continuously changing. The Digital disruption is an opportunity to transform. Technology has always been used by business to improve efficiency, customer delight and often to reinvent itself. This stands true from the wheel to steam engine to digi-tal technologies today. The question has never been "if" to use the technology but "how" to use the technology. Those who asked "if" perished in oblivion. The challenge involved with "how" aspect of digital technology comes from the rapid pace of technology evolution and also its disruptive impact on the existing business processes that forces business leaders to think their business anew. The paradoxical situation a business leader faces is that the very unique business process that he created, that helped build and sustain a business so far need to be challenged, en-hanced or at times completely abandoned. Nevertheless, a true business leader knows that business needs to change with change in needs and wants of the market. A complete change in the appearance or charac-ter of something or someone is transformation. For T IN MY OPINIONArun Kumar Singh
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