| | December 20218ENTERPRISE SECURITY? NO EASY TALKhen we supplement People, Process and Technology together. Enterprise Security includes the strategies, tech-niques, and process to Secure digital assets, Data and confidentiality. integrity is also a major Risk Factor for enterprise Se-curity. The combination of Threat and Vulnerability is known obsolete Risk. ES comprises the strategies and techniques that com-panies undertake to reduce the risk of unauthorized ac-cess to data, IT systems, and information. The activities in enterprise security include the institutionalization, advancements, change and evaluation of a firm's enter-prise risk management (ERM) and security methods. To reduce and eliminate the risk of unauthorized access to information technology systems and data, you need to have a comprehensive strategy that secures all entry and end points.Mobile security has always been an issue with enter-prise security and will remain so in 2020 as well. Espe-cially when everybody working from home and using untrusted Connectivity in pandemic situation. Too many employees have a careless attitude towards workplace se-curity, which makes the job of an attacker easy. The threat is likely to come from the network (compromising a sin-gle Wi-Fi connection) or phishing.It is not difficult for criminals to gain access to both corporate data as well as personal data from an easy-to-WBy Yogendra Singh, Head-IT, BaristaIN MY OPINION
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