| | July 202019Remote Sensing Instruments (RSI) has been the torchbearer of this sector with a market presence of over 35 years and working with diverse domains across the countrySOLUTION PROVIDERS - 2020 20 MOST PROMISINGGISware and imagery for an efficient and effective utilization.Ahead of its time, RSI has start-ed large scale urban mapping using high resolution satellite and aeri-al data and has mapped over 300 ULBs over the past 20 years. "Satellite data based monitoring has gained its importance in vari-ous sectors and it can be termed as a promising future in GIS and RS industry. RSI has been investing on various new age technologies and achieved greater efficiencies in monitoring Urban, Infrastructure, Forestry, Mining and Agriculture assets. RSI has taken an active part in Monitoring and Evaluation of various Government Project/Pro-gram funded by World Bank/ADB/JICA and UN. RSI has been moni-toring over 500 Water-shed projects under IMWP/PMKSY for Karnata-ka and Andhra Pradesh for the past 10 years. RSI has been involved in Ocean colour and sea surface tem-perature Monitoring, Snow Cover and Glacier Monitoring, Crop Mon-itoring and Urban Monitoring proj-ects across India," Adds Kumar. RSI has been the frontrunner in introducing various world class prod-ucts in India. Product sales and relat-ed services has been their forte, RSI has introduced and sold ERDAS in India. RSI has recently joined forces with Capella Space, an on-demand earth observation information ser-vices company based out California, USA. Capella Space is a SAR Satellite data provider whose aim is to provide data across the globe at a highest revisit rate of 1 hour with sub 0.5m resolution across the globe. RSI has signed a multi-million dollar agree-ment with Capella Space for their product sales and other services in India and parts of Asia-Pac.In addition to this, RSI has also partnered with Urthecaste based out of Canada, Deimos Imaging of Spain and KazEOSat of Kazakhstan for their product sales and also to build services using their products. With all of these partnerships and upcoming partnerships in pipe-line, RSI is well positioned to play a significant role in Earth Obser-vations Stream in India and Asia. Combining all of these satellites and their capabilities, very high resolu-tion data with high revisit rate will be available to everyone everyday unlike previous processes where the data takes a massive amount of time to be furnished to the end user. The company is investing on designing and developing a fully automated platform using new age technologies like AI and Machine learning for effective Monitoring and Change Detection.
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