| |September 20215 Improve Patient Care and Process Efficiency with Kodak Alaris Discover how digitizing document-intensive processes can take the pain out of paper-based workflows in HealthcareAll trademarks and trade names used are the property of their respective holders.The Kodak trademark and trade dress are used under license from Eastman Kodak Company.© 2021 Kodak Alaris Inc. TM/MC/MR: Alaris08/21Contact us :Kodak Alaris India Pvt. Ltd.Toll free : 1-800-210-8989Email : askme@kodakalaris.comService Support : disupportin@kodakalaris.com COVID-19 crisis has made it clear that paper medical records and manual processes pose significant challenges and hindrances for healthcare organizationsDocument Capture Solutions for Healthcare Providers Superior paper handling capabilities from Kodak Alaris ensures that even the most challenging patient records are reliably scanned. Active Feed Technology, Controlled Stacking and Document Protection ensure that documents are scanned without manual presorting etc. Perfect Page technology from Kodak Alaris provides superior image quality that provides maximum OCR results. Kodak Alaris hardware barcode reading capabilities provide unparalleled barcode read rates while keeping images small. Unique Service and Support organization ensures maximum uptime of hospital capture solutions. Scanners from Kodak Alaris have been tested and certified by all major EMR vendors.Intelligent Capture Solutionsfrom Kodak Alaris help todeliver Positive Outcomes for the Healthcare Providers :Patient ExperienceAccuracy of Patient RecordsPatient ConfidentialityCost-efficient Processes
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