| |September 20219The above diagram shows that 70 percent of the component responsible to deliver the project is not technology, it is the people and the processes which have more role to play for any IT project in health informatics domain to meet the project deadline with quality delivery. Therefore, technology was never a challenge. However as standalone methodology, people, process, and technology are necessary for the organizational transformation to achieve organizational efficiency. You need to balance the three and maintain good relationships among them. Having said that, the organization should always emphasize to have the right people on board and put the right processes for all the work-flows and then map it with the technology to achieve the project goal toward business optimisation, which ultimately in force to achieve the customer satisfaction and customer delights. Technology is expensive and does not always offer a high return on investment. So it is important to ensure it runs smoothly. Make sure that end users know how to use the technology you acquired -- if they don't or if the technology doesn't integrate well with processes by the right sets of people, the organization won't create value from its original investment in the project.In healthcare domain, especially EMR/EHR deployment, projects fail many times, as these projects have been treated as technology project instead of people and process driven. As a result, the adoption of the application could have never scaled-up in the Indian geographic as it was supposed to be. Finally, the end user (patient) and provider (hospital) could have never maintained a longitudinal medical record of individual patients. The EMR/EHR deployment is clinician driven project, whereby the people and process play a vital role to define the workflow with ease of use and then transform it to the simple technology to ensure the utmost users are on the board to adopt the changes. No matter how sophisticated technology you have introduced to EMR/EHR based digital transformation (health informatics) project, if the process is not put in order by the right sets of people, then it will be a nightmare to scale-up the adoption of the EMR/EHR across the organization, as partial implementation of EMR/EHR will not help either to the provider or patient to ensure the continuity of care with quality at the hospital. To execute such project, there are too many technology options to choose from both license and open source resources, but getting the people with right experience who can define complex to simple processes which could be mapped with the technology to get the better ROI and organizational goals is always a challenge to the industry/product based companies.
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